Recognizing Outstanding Educators

One of the most important features of Mount Saint Vincent University is our rich teaching expertise. Our faculty members, librarians, and laboratory instructors approach their teaching thoughtfully, with diligence and with enthusiasm.

If a Mount instructor you know stands out for their effectiveness and their passion for fostering student learning, visit the Nominations and Guidelines to nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award.

Outstanding teachers are students of their craft. They pay attention to what best supports their students’ learning, think carefully about their pedagogical practices, and seek opportunities to share their teaching ideas with others. In sum, the best teachers are those most committed to learning how to teach.

Mount Saint Vincent University is committed to recognizing the outstanding teaching accomplishments of its best educators. The President and Vice-Presidents’ Advanced Career Teaching Award, the Alumnae Early Career Teaching Award, and the Alumnae Part-Time Faculty Teaching Award celebrate the accomplishments of our best teachers.

2024 Teaching Excellence Award Winners

Dr Christine Doe, Advanced Career Winner (left,) Dr Nicholous Deal, Early Career Winner (centre,) Professor Reem Abuzaytoun, Part Time Winner (right.)

2023 Teaching Excellence Award Winners

Dr. Michelle Eskritt (pictured left) | Advanced Career Winner
Prof. Lindsay Leighton (pictured centre) | Early Career Winner
Dr. Chandarrao ‘Kelly’ Kale (pictured right) | PT Faculty Winner

2022 Teaching Excellence Award Winners

Dr. Ashwani Kumar (left photo – pictured left)
Dr. Ellen Shaffner (center photo – pictured right)
Prof. Susan Stevens (right photo – pictured center)

2021 Teaching Excellence Award Winners

(from left to right: Will Shead, Shannan Grant, and Gregg French)

2020 Teaching Excellence Award Winners

(from left to right: Alla Kushniryk, Krista Ritchie, and Laurie Reed)

2019 Teaching Excellence Award Winners

Group Photo

(from left to right: Matthew MacLellan, Elizabeth Bowering and Kelly Resmer)

2018 Teaching Excellence Award Winners

2018 MSVU teaching award winners

(from left to right: Tracy Moniz, Katie Aubrecht, and Denyse Rodrigues)