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Glossary of Terms

Academic Advisor
A faculty member who will help you plan your program and select your courses.

Academic Appeals Procedures
An orderly opportunity for students to question interim grades, final grades and other academic decisions related to their coursework.

Academic Offences
Plagiarism, cheating and any misrepresentations related to your academic work.

A former student or graduate of the University; plural is alumnae.

Application to Graduate Form
Students must complete this form when enrolling in their final session of coursework. The form indicates when you intend to graduate (either spring or fall convocation), the program you are completing and the name wanted on the parchment. The Application to Graduate form is available at the Registrar’s Office and online at

A monetary grant based on demonstrated financial need.

Calendar (Undergraduate and Graduate)
An annual publication listing key dates in the academic year, admissions requirements, program requirements, rules and regulations and courses. Course information changes from year to year but the degree requirements described in the Calendar in the year of your admission to the degree remain in force as you complete your program. Available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office, Deans’ Offices, and Assisi Information Desk. The Graduate Calendar is available online at

Course Change Form
The form must be completed if registration changes (adding/dropping courses) are made, including section changes, and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. See Academic Course Add/Drop Dates.

Cross-listed Course
A cross-listed course can be offered entirely at the graduate level or at both the graduate and undergraduate levels and carries all department or level names. If the courses are graduate courses, the courses are listed on the transcript (e.g., GCRD 6325/GLIT 6732). If a graduate course is cross-listed with an undergraduate course, only the graduate course is listed on the transcript (e.g., a graduate student who completes GAHN 6414/NUTR 4414 will have GAHN 6414 listed on the transcript).

Data Form
Upon admission, each graduate student receives a data form which lists individual data, degree requirements and anticipated completion date. Any departures from the courses listed on the data form must be approved by the Program Coordinator. Copies are kept and updated by the department and the Registrar’s Office.

The head of a faculty within the University. At the Mount, we have a Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science, a Dean of the Faculty of Professional Studies, a Dean of the Faculty of Education, and a Dean of Graduate Studies.

A course notation meaning Deferred, given through the Registrar’s Office in exceptional cases when a student is unable to complete course requirements due to medical or other reasons during the time frame provided for completing an INC (Incomplete) grade.

Degree Requirements
Listed in the Calendar and outlined on graduate program data forms, degree requirements outline the courses needed to complete the degree.

Directed Study
These courses are normally opportunities for a student to explore, in greater depth, a topic that is covered in another course or a topic that is not covered in an existing course. Directed Study courses are normally offered at the 4000, 5000, 6000 or 9000 level. A maximum of 2.0 units of Direct Study courses can be counted towards a credential. Program may set a lower limit.

An optional course or subject not required for your particular program of study.

Exam Conflict
An exam conflict might be: overlapping exam times, a work commitment that cannot be changed, or scheduled to write three exams in three consecutive writing times. An Exam Conflict form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to the deadline.

Exam Schedule (When) and Seating Plan (Where)
The exam schedule tells when an exam will be written. A detailed schedule listing each course, the date and time for the exam is posted outside the Registrar’s Office and the Seton Auditorium and online at in October and February. The seating plan is posted in the same locations as the schedule during the last week of classes indicating where the exams will be written.

A course notation meaning Failure resulting from an academic offence.

Fees are the costs associated with various aspects of attendance at the University. See section 3.2 Fees and Financial Policies.

Full-time Students
Full-time students are enrolled in 3.0 or more units during the September to August graduate academic year. Graduate students enrolled in the Thesis or Thesis Continuation are considered full-time students.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
The total of grade points averaged over the number of units contributing points of 0.0 and greater. Final grades with “neutral” points do not effect GPA. GPA, also called cumulative GPA, is based on all coursework completed from September 1996 onward.

Grade Points
The value (ranging from 0.0 to 4.3) given to each final grade (e.g., A+= 4.3, F = 0.0).

Grade Report
Available at the end of each academic term/session, a grade report lists the courses taken during the term and the grades earned, including withdrawals and failures. Any fees owing to the University for the term/session must be paid in full before receiving grade reports or to view grades through myMount.

Graduate Student
A student enrolled in a graduate program.

Harassment and Discrimination Advisor
An advisor who provides information and assistance, including mediation, of complaints under the Harassment and Discrimination Policy, on behalf of students, faculty and staff. Awareness raising and training sessions are provided by the advisor. The advisor can be reached at 902-457-6766.

A course notation meaning Incomplete, given instead of a grade when an arrangement exists between the professor and the student indicating requirements for the course shall be completed by a predetermined date or when a final exam or other course requirements have not been completed due to medical reasons. If these arrangements are not completed in the specified time, the INC notation shall be changed to F (failure).

Independent Study
Any course in the calendar, with the exception of Directed Study courses, can be offered as an Independent Study course, subject to the approval of a Chair or Director and the appropriate Dean. Independent Study courses are normally offered when a student requires a course to meet graduation requirements or needs to maintain progression in a program of study and cannot register for a scheduled offering of the course due to scheduling conflicts or course unavailability in a particular semester. There is no limit on the number of Independent Study courses that can count towards the requirements for a credential.

A course notation meaning In Progress. A final grade notation of IP is given in seminars, independent and directed studies at the graduate level, students must complete the required work within four months of the month the notation is given in lieu of the final grade. See section 2.2.5 Thesis Requirement.

Regularly scheduled meeting times in addition to lecture times for many courses in the timetable. Lab times are published in the timetable and when registering for a course students are required to sign up for a lab time.

Letter of Permission (LOP)
An official document granting prior approval to take a course from another university for credit at the Mount. Forms are available online at

Local Address
If a student’s address changes while attending the university, the Registrar’s Office must be notified. Failure to do so could result in not receiving correspondence and other important information.

Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a course management system used by the University. Faculty may use Moodle to distribute course notes, communicate with students, set and grade quizzes, create assignments, discussions, and much more.

myMount allows Mount students to access the Registration Centre, Moodle and E-Mail along with student specific news, events and information both on and off campus, through a secure environment.

Non-Credit Unit
The term “non-credit unit” defines the instructional time required for a course that does not count for credit towards any academic credential offered at the Mount. A 0.5 non-credit unit is the equivalent of three semester hours of instructional time.

A student enrolled in coursework but not working towards a specific degree program.

A course notation given in 1.0 unit courses for which no December grades are given.

A program providing academic and social information to introduce new students to the University environment.

Part-time Students
Part-time students are enrolled in 2.5 or fewer units during the September to August graduate academic year.

Permanent Address and “Other” Addresses
Students must notify the Registrar’s Office of any changes to the permanent address in order to receive correspondence and other important information. Change of address for Christmas, summer vacations or co-op work terms should also be given.

A course or combination of courses that must be completed before registration in another course is permitted. Students registering in courses do so on the understanding that they will meet/complete course prerequisites. Failure to do so could result in deregistration and academic and/or financial penalty.

A basic plan of study or coursework in a specific field; also called a curriculum.

Resident Assistant
A full-time undergraduate student whose major function includes interpreting and enforcing policy to students living in residence.

A monetary award based on academic achievement.

Student Identification Card
The Student Identification Card has your picture and other personal identification information on it. These are produced by the Library. Student ID cards are needed to use the Library, Computer Labs, to display when writing exams and to participate in many student and other activities on campus and in the metro area.

Term Grade Point Average (TGPA)
The grade point average achieved at the end of each academic term, calculated on the final grades for each academic term.

Thesis Supervisor
The faculty member responsible for guiding and supervising an individual student’s thesis research and the development of the written thesis.

The timetable lists all the courses and labs offered for the academic year or session—includes course ID, course number, name, time, classroom location and faculty for each course and lab offered. The timetable is available online via myMount at

An official document prepared by the Registrar’s Office recording the entire academic history of a student. The Transcript Request form can be found online at Transcripts can be requested in writing to the Registrar’s Office. See section 2.2.10 Transcripts.

Transfer Credits
May be granted to students who attended another university before being admitted to the Mount. Transfer credits are courses taken at the other university and counted toward the program here. See section 2.1.7 Admission Requirements for Transfer Applicants.

Tuition Structure
Tuition fees are assessed on a per 1.0 unit course cost. The number of units of credit which a student is taking will drive the tuition calculation.

A student who is working toward a first credential.

The term used for the Mount’s credit system. 0.5 unit is the equivalent to three semester hours of credit and 1.0 unit is equivalent to six semester hours of credit.

Visiting Students
Students from other universities taking coursework at Mount Saint Vincent University with formal approval from their home university.

A course notation meaning withdrawal without academic penalty; deadline driven.

A course notation meaning withdrawal with academic penalty; deadline driven.

Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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