Mount Saint Vincent University is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment for all undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies students with disabilities who attend the University.

We work with students, staff and faculty to encourage a learning and community environment of equal access, diversity, inclusion and reasonable accommodation by:

• Determining accommodations based on each students’ unique needs

• Providing support and resources for students and instructors

• Providing ongoing support for students who have concerns regarding their disability or accommodations

• Helping students navigate the funding process with Provincial and Federal Governments to apply for service and equipment grants

• Training and education on assistive technology for reading, focus, taking notes, or obtaining accessible textbooks

What you need to know

To access academic accommodations, you must register with our office by completing our Accessibility Services Registration Form form. Students must also provide recent documentation from a healthcare professional which includes your diagnosis, the effect it has on your learning, and recommended accommodations. As this documentation should be no more than 1-5 years old, you may wish to check the documentation requirements and take steps to update your documentation before you arrive.

Students with permanent disabilities may be eligible to access the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities to pay for services such as tutors or note-takers, and equipment such as a computer or assistive technology. To learn more about the eligibility criteria and application process, please contact your Province or Territory’s student financial assistance office. This is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of before you arrive.

New Registration


Students registering with Accessibility Services are required to complete our Accessibility Services Registration Form and then schedule an appointment with an advisor so that we can determine how our team can best support you during your studies.

Accessibility Services Registration Form


Please communicate with your instructor for all time accommodations for online tests.

For in person tests in our Testing Centre (EMF 113), extra time, a scribe/proctor or other accommodation, please complete a Test Accommodations Request Form at least 3 business days before your test so we can work to ensure your eligible accommodations are applied.

Test Accommodations Request Form


Are you registered with MSVU Accessibility Services and have been identified as an individual with a pr disability? Do you require an e-text of your course textbook – please fill out the Alternative Textbook Request Form ? Find more information on Accessible Textbooks



The Final Exam Accommodation Form is now closed.


Are you a student registered with Accessibility Services who is eligible for a notetaker? Notetakers are volunteer positions and are eligible for recognition in the Co-Curricular Recognition Program (CCRP).  If you would like to find a notetaker or if you would like to become a notetaker please sign up on the Accessibility Services NOTETAKER PORTAL.

Notetaker Portal


Are you participating in a practicum and require accommodations? Please let us know and book an appointment so that we can discuss what you need for a successful practicum.