Social Media Safety Tips

Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are means of staying connected with friends and sources of entertainment, but they do come with some risk to your privacy. TikTok especially has been in the news lately, but other social media apps also can pose a risk to your privacy, such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and even some weather apps. They all collect a lot of information about you, and all have been involved in privacy issues and data breaches in the past, and will continue to into the future.
TikTok Note: Some Canadian governments and organizations have banned TikTok from being installed on their managed devices, including the governments of Nova Scotia and Canada. MSVU recognizes that departments do use TikTok for a variety of purposes. It is recommended that you use TikTok through your web browser. Please contact the IT&S Help Desk with any questions on using TikTok on MSVU devices.
Here are some tips on using social media safely: