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Workshop Materials

Make sure you’re logged into your MSVU Outlook account (MSVU email address) to access the recordings!


How to Ace a Job Interview by Life Kit, as featured on NPR

60+ Most Common Interview Questions and Answers from The Muse

Community Resources

Apex Language and Career College

We are dedicated to supporting international students and newcomers in their journey to integrate into Canadian society. We have successfully helped numerous individuals improve their English language skills to succeed in post-secondary education and/or prepare them for the Canadian Workforce.

Business is Jammin’ (Black Business Initiative)

Business is Jammin’ shapes youth, aged 8-35, into vibrant members of the business community. We work with young people through a range of educational, social, mentorship, and financial support programs to build business acumen and leadership skills.

Clean Foundation

A program delivery non-profit, Clean’s drive is to make real progress toward a cleaner future by taking on climate change challenges. We have several wage subsidies and bursary’s to support moving peoples careers in the green economy forward.

Government of Nova Scotia, Labour, Skills and Immigration

The Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration helps people prepare for job opportunities and build the skills they need. We promote safe work environments and help employers and employees know their rights and responsibilities.

The department works with partners and other levels of government to support people immigrating to Nova Scotia. We provide programs to help newcomers. We also provide career information, employment services and learning programs that support the labour market.

Halifax Partnership

The Halifax Connector Program is a simple and highly effective networking program that helps newcomers and recent domestic and international graduates (Connectees) build their professional network while putting local businesses (Connectors) directly in touch with qualified talent looking to start and grow their career in Halifax.


The Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) is the leading immigrant settlement service agency in Atlantic Canada, serving 17,000+ clients annually in 104 communities across Nova Scotia, through many kinds of services—language, settlement, community integration, business development, and employment—both in person and online

Job Junction

Create safe and collaborative environments to empower our clients in achieving their career success.

We support job seekers, employers and service providers by providing a customized and holistic approach in identifying and meeting their employment objectives. Our services and resources are dynamic and flexible, delivered by knowledgeable, diverse and dedicated staff.

MSVU Accessibility Services

Our team provides individual support to over 800 students, by promoting self-advocacy and an equitable learning environment. Some examples of the types of disabilities that form our diverse population of students include physical and learning disabilities, medical conditions, vision and hearing loss, ADHD and mental health.

Opportunity Place

We offer free job search support and career counselling services to help you land that first job after graduation. Opportunity starts here!

Phoenix Youth Programs

Since 1987, Phoenix has been dedicated to supporting youth and contributing to a vibrant community. Our 14 locations (and counting!) across Kjipuktuk (Halifax) provide a continuum of care for youth ages 11-24 and their families. We offer important services and programs including shelter, food, housing support, health care, parenting support, recreation, education, and employment services, and clinical therapy.

Our team of caring professionals recognize that each person who comes to us has individual strengths and needs. People are leaders in their own lives; Phoenix is a leader in supporting them.


reachAbility exists to serve individuals who face barriers to inclusion and community participation through programs around self-management and employment support. There’s nothing exclusive about reachAbility, and you don’t need to identify as living with a disability to access our services.

Study and Stay™ Nova Scotia Foundations Program / EduNova

Program benefits:

Download the iCent app or sign in here for free to join the Foundations Program:

International students can earn micro-credentials & Join virtual sessions and in-person events.

The Study and Stay™ – Nova Scotia Foundations Program is designed to support international students during their first to third years of study at a Nova Scotia post-secondary institution. Through our modular learning levels, targeted programming and relevant resources, the Study and Stay – Nova Scotia Foundations Program’s goal is to help participants study, stay, and thrive in Nova Scotia.

Job Search, Resumes & LinkedIn

Update Your Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Profile | Oct. 17, 2024 (Recording) (PDF)

So, I’m Going to be a New Grad, Now What? | Oct. 6, 2024 (Recording) (PDF)

Interview Coaching: You Got This! | Sept. 25, 2024 (Recording) (PDF)

On Campus and Off Campus Jobs | Sept. 18, 2024 (Recording) (PDF)

Update Your Resume and Cover Letter | Sept. 2024 (Recording) (PDF)

Leveraging LinkedIn with EnPoint | Mar. 2023 (Recording)

Resume and Cover Letter Handbook | May 2021 (PDF)


DIY Resources

What I Wish I’d Known About Career Planning | Nov. 19, 2024 (PDF)

How to Analyze a Job Posting with Kharisse Thompson | Jan. 2023 (Recording) (PDF)

Keep Your Resiliency While Looking for Work | Mar. 2023 (PDF)

Strategic Networking in a Virtual World with EnPoint | Mar. 2023 (Recording)

Personal Branding & Rock Your Profile with RBC Future Launch | Mar. 2023 (Recording)

Financial Literacy with RBC Future Launch | Mar. 2023 (Recording)

The Strong Interest Inventory Assessment: Is it Worthwhile? | Jan. 2021 (3-minute video and instructions to order)