Frequently Asked Questions

1. I am a 2+2 Transfer Student and I am wondering who I should speak with about course selection and registration?

Contact us at, call us at 902-457-6657, or come in-person at Seton 303, for support with course selection and registration.

2. I plan to register for a French course; how do I know which one to take?

To ensure you choose the correct French course, all students must take the French placement test before registering. Contact our Language Lab at to take the test.

3. I need to take a Math course for my program; how do I know if I am prepared to take it?

If you require MATH 1113 (Calculus 1) and MATH 1114 (Calculus 2) or MATH 1102 (Precalculus 1) and MATH 1103 (Precalculus 2), you will need to complete a Math Placement Test to ensure you know which level of Math to enroll in. You can register for your Math courses before taking the placement test and make any necessary course changes after taking the placement test. You will receive information from the Math Department about when you can write the placement test.

If you require MATH 2208 (Intro to Statistics 1) and MATH 2209 (Intro to Statistics 2) for your program, the prerequisite is Grade 11 or Grade 12 academic Math.

If you have not completed Grade 11 or Grade 12 Academic Math and require it to meet the admission requirements for your desired program, and/or a course prerequisite, you can enroll in MATH 0027 (STATS and MATH Preparation). This is a non-credit course. You register for it the same way you register for all other courses.

4. What is the maximum course load per semester?

Five courses are the maximum course load per semester. Students must be in at least three courses per semester to be full-time. If you are registered with Accessibility Services, you must be registered in at least two courses per semester to be full-time.

5. I want to do a reduced course load in my first term; however, I want to stay on track to complete my degree in three or four years. What options do I have?

Some students do a reduced course load in the fall and winter semesters and choose to do summer courses to stay on track to complete their program on time. Registration for summer courses opens in January.

6. I am experiencing difficulty selecting my courses; who should I speak with?

You can book an advising appointment online at or sent an email to to be connected with an academic advisor.