902 457 6567 | counselling@msvu.ca | EMF 141

How to Book a Counselling Appointment

Our mission in Counselling Services is to maximize the potential of all students to benefit from their academic experience at Mount Saint Vincent University. Our goal is to help students deal with the emotional, psychological and developmental issues they face in their life while studying at the University. Our services include free, confidential, individual appointments, as well as workshops, group programs and in-class presentations.

Daytime and evening appointments are available. Sessions can be accessed in person, by phone, or by video on Jane.

If you feel your concern is an emergency or if feelings worsen or intensify, go directly to the Health Office, located on the 2nd floor of Assisi Hall, or to your local emergency department.


First Time at Counselling Services

  • Book a 30-minute intake appointment by emailing counselling@msvu.ca, calling 902 457 6567, or visiting the Student Services desk at EMF 108.
  • Complete the Counselling Services and Career Services Consent Form from a computer or tablet and return it to the front desk at EMF 108 or by email within 72 hours to confirm your appointment.
  • The Intake Counsellor will refer you to the most appropriate counsellor or other support services.
  • Regular sessions are 50 minutes long and students are eligible for up to ten counselling sessions per academic year (September to August).

Current or Returning Clients

  • If you are already seeing a counsellor, you will book your next session at the end of each appointment.
  • To reschedule or cancel, email counselling@msvu.ca, call 902 457 6567, or visit the Student Services desk at EMF 108.
  • If you are returning to Counselling Services after a period away, email counselling@msvu.ca, call 902 457 6567, or visit the Student Services desk at EMF 108 to book. You may need to redo intake or change counsellors depending on how much time has passed.

How to Request Appointments

Not sure how to ask for an appointment? Here are a couple ideas you can work off of to send your email.

“Good morning, my name is _____ [Preferred Name we should use for you] and my student ID number is ______. I’d like to book an in-person counselling intake. I’m available Monday/Wednesday mornings, Tuesday/Thursday afternoons, and all day Fridays. Can you let me know the next available time?”

“Hi there, my name is _____ [Preferred Name we should use for you] and my student ID number is _______. I’m a distance student living in Ontario and I’m interested in booking an intake by phone. When is the next available evening appointment?”

You don’t need to give a reason for seeking counselling at the time of appointment booking – that can wait until you have your intake with a counsellor. It does help us to know up front if you’d like to meet in-person, by phone, or by video, and a rough idea of your schedule.

You are welcome to provide a completed Counselling Services and Career Services Consent Form in advance but you’ll have 3 business days after we offer an appointment time to complete it. After 3 days with no consent form, the hold will be released so we can offer the time slot to another student, even if you accepted the time.

We also book appointments over the phone, or you can come to the Student Services desk at EMF 108 to book the appointment and fill out the consent form all at once.

Confidentiality Policy

Information obtained throughout the course of your counselling is considered confidential within the limits set by the Psychologists’ Act of Nova Scotia. Client confidentiality is maintained according to the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice (2020) in compliance with The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA).

When necessary, consultations, including exchange of written information, documents or reports, may be made with other professionals to ensure the best possible service. However, in these situations, your written permission will be sought ahead of time for the release of information.

Cancellation Policy

If you are not able to make it to your scheduled appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance by calling 902 457 6567 or e-mailing counselling@msvu.ca. This allows us the opportunity to move a student on our waiting list into an appointment slot. If you arrive 15 minutes or later for your appointment it will be rescheduled so that other appointments can remain on time.

No-Show Policy

If a student misses their scheduled appointment three (3) or more times during a semester, they may be required to meet with the Manager before booking their next appointment.

Policy on Notes

Notes are only provided in exceptional circumstances and to clients currently being seen in Counselling Services. A decision to provide a note is made by the Manager. Notes will not be given to students coming to Counselling Services for the sole purpose of getting a note.

Counselling Services is not an emergency clinic.

All emergencies (e.g., serious threats of violence, actively suicidal individuals) should be directed to a hospital emergency department or to call 911.

Campus security should be contacted for any emergencies that take place on campus. They can be reached at 902 457 6111, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.