902 457 6567 | counselling@msvu.ca | EMF 141

Resources for Students

There are other supports outside of Counselling Services available to students on-campus, off-campus, and online.

On-Campus Resources

Health Office

Campus Security

  • Call 902 457 6412 for non-emergencies.
  • Call 902 457 6111 for an on-campus emergency, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Students’ Union

  • Services include health and dental plan, food bank, pride centre, and more.

Peer Support

Harassment and Discrimination Advisor

A-Z list of Student Services and supports

Off-Campus Resources

Hospital Emergency Department

  • 19 years old or above: QEII Emergency Department at 1799 Robie Street, 902 473 2043
  • Under 19 years old: IWK Emergency Department at 5941 South Street, 902 470 8888

211 Nova Scotia

  • Call 211, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • 211 is a free, confidential information and referral service that can connect you to thousands of programs and services across Nova Scotia.

Addiction Recovery Support Centres

  • Locations in Halifax, Dartmouth and more; drop in or call the nearest centre to you during posted business hours.
  • The Recovery Support Centre is a welcoming space that provides education, recovery and harm reduction support, along with one on one support and group treatment for people struggling with substance use and/or gambling concerns.

Adsum House for Women and Children

  • Call 902 423 5049
  • A support for women, children, transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer individuals who are experiencing periods of homelessness.

Alice House

  • 902 466 8459
  • Safe second-stage housing and supportive counselling for women and children in Nova Scotia in their recovery from intimate partner violence.

Avalon Sexual Assault Centre

  • Call 902 422 4240
  • If you have experienced sexual assault in the last 7 days, call 902 425 0122 to speak with a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE).

Bryony House

  • Call 902 423 7183 (main line) or 902 422 7650 (distress line)
  • 24-bed transition shelter that assists those affected by intimate partner abuse.

Couch of Hope

  • Call 902 707 4414 or email intake@couchofhope.com for a free intake
  • Couch of Hope provides free mental health counselling support to those experiencing financial or other barriers to accessing service.

Halifax Sexual Health Centre

  • Call 902 455 9656
  • Wide range of clinical services, including STI testing, anonymous HIV testing, pregnancy tests, transgender health, free condoms and lube, and sexual health education.

Laing House

  • Call 902 425 9018
  • An organization that provides peer/social support and programs to youth aged 16-29 living with mental illness.

Nisa Homes

  • Call 1 888 456 8043 ext. 409
  • Muslim women’s shelter that provides a safe haven and support services for women, with or without children, who are fleeing domestic violence, poverty or seeking asylum.

Nova Scotia Mental Health and Addictions

  • Call 1 855 922 1122 to book a free intake appointment
  • Mental health and addictions professionals who provide support, programs, and services to Nova Scotians across the province.

Phoenix Youth

  • Call 902 422 3105
  • Phoenix Youth Programs include housing support, advocacy, crisis intervention, counseling, parenting support, referral to community and internal resources, health services, financial advocacy, food, clothing, shower and laundry facilities, computer and phone access.


  • Call 902 487 0470
  • prideHealth works to improve access to health services which are safe, coordinated, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate for 2SLGBTQIA+ people.

South House

  • Halifax’s only full-time gender justice centre.
  • Includes a resource centre, library, and free meeting space for anti-oppressive organizing and gathering.
  • 1443 Seymour Street, Halifax.

The Youth Project

  • Call 902 429 5429
  • A non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing support and services to youth, 25 and under, around issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Online Resources

Healthy Minds NS

  • Suite of services available including text, phone, and online options.


  • A safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing.

Good2Talk NS

  • Call Good2Talk NS Helpline for Postsecondary Students: 1 833 292 3698
  • Text Good2TalkNS to 686868

Wellness Together Canada

  • 19 years old or above: Text WELLNESS to 741741 or call 1 866 585 0445
  • Under 19 years old: Text WELLNESS to 686868 or call 1 888 668 6810

Hope for Wellness Helpline for Indigenous Peoples

Anxiety Canada

  • Suite of resources available including CBT app, online courses, and online group therapy

Student Mental Health Network

  • Online resource for any post-secondary student in Canada that includes modules, peer connection, mental health app library, and curated database of supports and resources


Eating Disorder


  • Tips and articles that arm men with the tools they need to fight depression, as well as recovery stories from men who have faced depression, and an international therapist directory to connect men with local mental health professionals.

Legal Info Nova Scotia

Filing a Complaint with the NSCCT

All counsellors except counselling interns are members of the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists (NSCCT). Below you will find an infographic with details on the NSCCT complaints process and the steps you can take if you have concerns about the service provided by your counsellor, a link to the NSCCT’s “File a Complaint” page, as well as information on the CCPA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice that our counsellors follow.

CCPA Standards of Practice

CCPA Code of Ethics

Filing a Complaint with the NSCCT



Emergency resources for students, faculty and staff

Non-emergency resources for faculty and staff

What to do if you are concerned about a student

Counselling Services is not an emergency clinic.

All emergencies (e.g., serious threats of violence, actively suicidal individuals) should be directed to a hospital emergency department or to call 911.

Campus security should be contacted for any emergencies that take place on campus. They can be reached at 902-457-6111, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.