All students, faculty and staff of the university contribute to ensuring a safe environment (free from discrimination, harassment or violence) which promotes learning and personal development.  Like all members of the Mount community, students are expected to make responsible decisions and to follow university regulations.  In turn, the university provides the opportunity for students to engage fully in its academic, social and recreational programming.

The Non-Academic Discipline Policy (NADP) informs students of both their rights and responsibilities and describes the process MSVU will follow for those who do not fulfill their responsibilities to the university community. This policy applies to conduct:

  • Taking place on the MSVU campus
  • Taking place at university-sponsored events or activities off-campus
  • When an individual is acting as a representative of the university or an MSVU student group
  • Related to MSVU that takes place on the internet

Any member or agency of the MSVU community (student, faculty, staff, community member) may lodge a complaint under this policy.

Once a complaint is filed, the Associate Vice-President, Student Experience (AVPSE) will meet with the complainant and respondent to determine if the situation can be resolved informally. The AVPSE will appoint a support person for the respondent, who will have an opportunity to submit a response to the complaint.

MSVU believes in a restorative approach where the complainant is engaged in sharing the impact of the actions and decisions about how to redress harm, and where respondents take responsibility for their behaviour.  When agreement can be reached with both parties, attempts will be made to resolve the complaint at this stage. Parties are encouraged to settle complaints informally either directly or with the assistance of a qualified third party. Individuals may also request culturally appropriate dispute resolutions processes, such as Talking Circles.

The Policy allows the AVPSE to impose interim measures, which are non-disciplinary orders, implemented to protect the safety, security or well-being of any member of the Mount community. Interim measures may include, but are not limited to, moving an individual from one or more specified locations, restricting access to part or all of the university campus, and imposing appropriate conditions. The implementation of interim measures does not have bearing on any investigative processes or outcomes outlined in this policy.  Any interim measures imposed shall be as minimally restrictive as possible, and may end or be continued with resolution of the complaint.

If the complaint is referred to the formal process, an investigator will be appointed to determine if a violation of the policy occurred. If there was a violation, the investigator’s report will be reviewed by the Student Judicial Committee, who will determine the appropriate penalty.

To file a complaint, receive an explanation of charges you are facing, obtain an Incident Report form, or ask questions about the Non-Academic Discipline Policy process, please contact the Associate Vice-President, Student Experience (

If you’re not sure whether your complaint falls under the NADP, please refer to the Complaints Processes page or email