To the MSVU community August 1, marks Emancipation Day. “Emancipation Day is the day The Slavery Abolition Act became law in the British Empire (including Canada) and ended the practice of slavery for millions of…
John Carnaghan may not be a student, faculty, staff member or alumni of Mount Saint Vincent University, but he’s as much a part of the MSVU family as anyone, in particular a cherished member of…
Dr. Ramona Lumpkin is widely recognized for her many exceptional contributions to Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) as a passionate and committed leader of the institution. Serving as President and Vice-Chancellor of MSVU from 2010…
Four exceptional graduate students who have developed health research projects at Mount Saint Vincent University have been announced as the recipients of the 2023/24 Scotia Scholars Awards from Research Nova Scotia. These awards recognize outstanding…
The Mount Saint Vincent University campus is buzzing this week with the arrival of 336 athletes competing in the 10th annual North American Indigenous Games. The games are being hosted across Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Dartmouth, Millbrook…
F. Marie (Martin) Jones built the foundation of her post-secondary education at Mount Saint Vincent, graduating from the institution with a Bachelor of Arts in 1951, a Certificate in Education in 1952, and a Bachelor…
Engaging Black students in deep discussions around their powerful history, culture and identity was Karen Hudson’s objective in creating the Black Excellence Day leadership summit recently held at MSVU, and it’s a goal she achieved…
People’s ways of choosing books are significantly influenced by our offline relationships and book browsing habits. (Shutterstock) Danielle Fuller, University of Alberta and DeNel Rehberg Sedo, Mount Saint Vincent University If your bag is packed…
On Thursday, June 8, Mount Saint Vincent University hosted the formal launch of the 1873 Society, a legacy-giving club for donors, alumni and friends who support MSVU and its students. The event was held to…
Megan Pegg is an exceptional artist whose work has left an enduring mark on Mount Saint Vincent University. Before graduating from the MountAbility program this spring, Megan was entrusted with the task of designing special…