Admission & Program Requirements

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General Information

The Master of Education (non-thesis) and Master of Arts in Education degree programs in Studies in Lifelong Learning  engage students in an exploration of lifelong learning processes in a wide range of social, institutional and cultural contexts. Students involved with or interested in adult basic education, adult literacy, community development, citizenship, cross-cultural learning, women’s learning, environmental education, workplace learning, post-secondary education, popular education, and continuing professional development will all benefit from these programs. Courses in the degree use a critical analytical approach to prepare those concerned with lifelong learning to work and learn in a variety of lifelong learning contexts and to address a range of contemporary learning challenges.

Students admitted to the Master of Education or Master of Arts in Education program will possess a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with a minimum overall average of B (GPA 3.0). Both MEd and MA candidates are required to write a short essay in which they outline their reasons for wanting to undertake graduate study in studies in lifelong learning. All students should also demonstrate a commitment to studies in lifelong learning in their professional or community roles and work. MA candidates should demonstrate advanced research and writing competencies. Candidates may be asked to submit samples of academic writing to verify adequate preparation for MA work.

This program consists of 5.0 units of coursework including a project. This degree may be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis.

Program Requirements

Required Courses
❏ GSLL 6200 0.5 unit
❏ GSLL 6206 0.5 unit
❏ GSLL 6207 0.5 unit
❏ GSLL 6290 1.0 unit
❏ GSLL 6299 0.5 unit

❏ 1.5 units of GSLL or GEDU

❏ 0.5 unit of graduate level electives
(selected in consultation with a faculty advisor)

This program requires the completion 4.0 units of coursework and a 1.0 unit thesis. This degree may be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis.

Program Requirements

Required Courses
❏ GSLL 6200 0.5 unit
❏ GSLL 6206 0.5 unit
❏ GSLL 6290 1.0 unit
❏ GEDU 6130 1.0 unit
❏ 1.0 unit of GSLL or GEDU

❏ 0.5 unit selected from the following:
GEDU 6100 0.5 unit
GEDU 6107 0.5 unit
GEDU 6150 0.5 unit

❏ 0.5 unit of graduate level electives
(selected in consultation with a faculty advisor)

Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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