Winter Learning Passport dates:

Tuesday, January 14 to Thursday, March 27

Students can Self-Enroll for the Learning Passport program via Moodle using their MSVU email address in January.

Find out how it works

Guide to attending an online session

The Learning Passport program, introduced in 2009, provides students with opportunities to gain exceptional learning experiences outside the classroom and earn bonus points in eligible classes. Students taking business and tourism courses can self-enroll in our Learning Passport Moodle course site and select from over 40 events each term. Use the Moodle site to receive communications, access activities and view the “rules”.

We offer an extensive list of activities, there is something of interest for everyone.

If you require assistance with accessing the site please contact:

Our students share their thoughts and experiences with the Learning Passport Program

“…the Learning Passport Program allows students to have many benefits…networking opportunities, continual learning from past graduates of MSVU and from guest speakers. Fun and interesting experiences are gained, along with bonus points towards all of your classes!”– Josie Boutilier

Text reading Participate

“I honestly can’t say enough about how great this program is. There are so many fantastic activities offered on-campus and online throughout the year. I would highly recommend it to students in all years of study.” – Gracen Marchand

Text reading Discover

“Just want to thank you all for this program. I can’t say enough about it. The marks motivated me to attend those sessions but I think I will never stop attending seminars, and will look for learning opportunities outside of the classroom. It is such an amazing program.” – Fairouz Mothana

Text reading Learn

“The Learning Passport Program is a great incentive for students to get out, network and learn from the real world. All we need is that push. Once we’re there, we see there is definitely more to get from it than bonus points.”- Gisele Gomes

Accelerate your Learning with some of these featured events.

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