Information for 2025 Winter Term

Regular Maintenance Window

IT&S may perform maintenance and upgrades for on our educational technology platform on Tuesdays or Fridays between 6:00am – 8:00am. During these times Moodle may not be available. General Network maintenance may affect access to Moodle from off campus on Sundays between 6:00am – 10:00am. Please note that downtime during the exam week will be avoided whenever possible. We appreciate your patience.

Important Announcement: Moodle Upgrade

When: April 29th – 30th, 2025

What you can expect during the upgrade: 
Moodle will be unavailable to faculty and students from 7:00 a.m. (AST) on April 29th to 5:00 p.m. on April 30th.
If you have any questions or need help, contact

Current Students

  • Please log into Moodle with the same credentials that you use to access myMount.
  •  Your Moodle course sites will be visible in the ‘In progress’ tab of the Moodle Dashboard Course overview section on the first day of classes.
    *Important: If you are registered in a course, but you do not see the course in your list of courses, please contact your instructor.
  • Important announcements are shared with faculty and students on the Moodle Dashboard. Please read this helpful and timely information when you first log into Moodle. Students can also access other helpful resources from the Moodle Dashboard page in the ‘Resources’ block on the right-hand side.
  • Collaborate​​​​​​​ is our online classroom software. It provides a virtual space where faculty and students can meet in real-time, work in groups, chat, and learn together.
    • Check out the Accessing Collaborate video in Microsoft Stream to learn more about joining your online classes. Then take a test drive in Collaborate by joining this Practice Collaborate Session.
    • Tip! It is important to practice using Collaborate and check your settings before joining your first online class. If you need help before your first online class, a Tech Navigator can meet with you virtually (during regular business hours). Please email to request this support.
    • Visit Get Started with Collaborate Ultra for Participants to watch a video tour, see how to navigate around sessions, establish audio and video settings for your devices and browser, and much more.

Online Learning support services for students:

Visit Online Support for Students to learn more about preparing for your classes. You can also find out how to order textbooks online, technology requirements and more. If you have any questions about Moodle or Collaborate, please email

The IT&S Help Desk is also here to support you with the following types of support:

MSVU’s Suite of Educational Technologies

Moodle is the Mount’s Learning Management System used For most course deliveries. This includes face-to-face, online, blended and multi-access. It allows faculty to create and manage course content, host online discussions, and administer quizzes. Faculty can also meet in real time with students.

Blackboard Collaborate​​​​​​​ is our online classroom software. It provides a virtual space where faculty and students can meet in real-time, work in groups, chat, and learn together.

Microsoft 365 is a collection of apps used in course delivery such as OneNote, Teams, Stream, and Yammer.

Current students and faculty can view Moodle course sites and join online synchronous classes in Collaborate by logging into Moodle.

Moodle Login

Moodle 4.1

Moodle was successfully upgraded to version 4.1 on May 1, 2024.

Please email to inquire about the new features that are available to enhance course delivery in Moodle.

Blackboard Collaborate

MSVU has been utilizing Blackboard Collaborate as its virtual classroom tool. Blackboard Collaborate is designed for education, with pedagogically rich features which enables instructors to create engaging, personalized, and pedagogically innovative learning experiences. It is made for education and is designed specifically to meet the needs of instructors and learners.


Scheduled Maintenance Periods and Upgrade Activities

Online Learning and IT&S are committed to ensuring that the educational technologies used by faculty and students at the university are properly maintained and upgraded on a regular basis. It is important to continually perform security updates, important server maintenance tasks, technology updates and enhancements.

Scheduled Moodle Maintenance Periods are Scheduled as Follows:

  • Based on the academic calendar term dates, maintenance and security tasks in Moodle will be performed in between each academic term (between fall and winter; between winter and summer one; between summer two and fall).
  • Maintenance periods are chosen based on the last day of classes, exam schedules, and final grades submission deadlines.
  • During these maintenance periods, Moodle will be unavailable to faculty and students.
  • Normally, the maintenance period is between 1-3 days depending on the level of work being completed.
  • The dates are communicated as soon as possible and in several ways – email, Moodle Dashboard, and the Campus Bulletin.
  • If you are teaching a course outside of the regular academic calendar dates and you require the use of Moodle and Collaborate during this time, please email to discuss possible alternatives.
    • Please note the following:
      • If you require the use of Collaborate, please email and the Collaborate course session link will be shared with you so you can share it with your students in advance.
      • You will still be able to use Collaborate as you normally would – record, share PowerPoints, use the whiteboard and use break-out rooms.
      • A support person can also attend your online class during (upon request only to to ensure everyone joins successfully and that the correct roles are in place.

The Mount’s Online Learning Platform includes Moodle, Blackboard Collaborate, Microsoft 365 and more. By using this website, you are confirming that you have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions.


Materials on the Mount Online Learning Platform are subject to the Copyright Act, Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. This includes identifying the source of information and prohibiting the reproduction of materials without written permission.

Data Storage

The Mount abides by all provincial privacy laws including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) and the Personal Information International Disclosure Act (PIIPDA).


Authorized Mount staff have access to your course site to provide technical support and to assist in the administration and smooth functioning of the Mount Online Learning Platform. All information gathered in Moodle will be kept confidential.

Your class sessions and other learning activities may be recorded by your instructor for use within your online course site. Your instructor will provide advanced warning before beginning the recording and will inform you of any additional use of these recordings. Recordings will not be distributed outside of the Mount Online Learning platform.

Terms of Use for Students

  • You will not submit material completed in a course to fulfil the requirements of another course without the written permission of both instructors. To do so would constitute cheating as stated in the Academic Calendar.
  • You will not record any class activities including discussion or lecture without securing the permission of the course instructor.
  • You will not upload course material to any external websites or share with others, unless permitted to do so by the instructor. If you require further clarification about using materials from this course in other contexts, please contact the instructor.
  • Only students registered in this Mount Online course site are permitted to view, download, upload, comment or otherwise participate in this course site.
  • You will not provide anyone not registered in this course with access to the Mount Online course site established for the course.
  • You will not divulge or share your Mount password with anyone.

By entering this website, you agree to:
1. Abide by the Mount’s Regulations Governing Computer Use
2. Maintain Academic Integrity
3. All of the terms and conditions above.

Support Services

Online Learning offers a variety of support services to assist faculty and students. Faculty are invited to participate in the Educational Technology Master Class Sessions. Email to ask questions about how to use the educational technologies. You can also request a 1:1 session using the Online Learning Bookings App to meet with a member of the Educational Technology Team to learn more about and practice using the educational technologies. Tech Navigators are another great resource to assist with accessing Moodle or Collaborate for your first time, or to find the optimal settings for your device (computer, tablet, headset, webcam) and to establish the best browser settings for a successful online class experience.

Hours of Support

  • For the first week of each new term, the Online Learning team will be available from 8:30am to 8:00pm
  • For the remainder of that term, we will be available from 8:30am to 4:30pm

How to Contact Us During the Above Hours of Operation

Evening and Weekend Support

  • Evening and weekend support is provided for urgent requests only, after the first week of each term. Urgent requests are those that concern your ability to teach or participate in a class that same evening or weekend (connection, browser, audio or video issues).
  • Only urgent requests will be responded to immediately, and others will be responded to the next business day.
  • Please call 902-457-6601 and explain how you are not able to teach or participate in an online class and your request will be responded as soon as possible.
  • Faculty, if you are administering an assessment outside of normal business hours (Moodle quiz, assignment, discussion forum), please troubleshoot issues students may have with that Moodle activity first, then if you require support please email and it will be responded to the next business day.