by Boluwatife Andrew Omojuwa, Master of Arts in Communications student and varsity soccer player
[Special note: There’s a Society Bingo event for students coming up on February 11, from 5 to 7 p.m. in Seton 407 at MSVU – the PERFECT chance for students to learn more about the many societies on campus and meet their members.]
Getting admission into university is an exciting feeling. You map out how you want your residence to be, you imagine what your classroom will look like, you even imagine you and your friends walking to grab a snack after class. But life in university is about more than going to class and the cafeteria, and writing quizzes and exams. It involves immersing yourself in campus life and making your time and days count, connecting with people, networking within your industry, and putting yourself out there.
Exploring the holistic university life requires a good balance of academic, physical, mental and even spiritual aspects. Connecting with like-minded individuals can be one of the most fulfilling outcomes of your university experience. And what better way to meet like-minded people than by joining a student society? You see, the connections derived from being a part of a student society have proven to be beneficial in many ways: academic, career, emotional and social. You might even find a new travel buddy or best friend forever.
A student society is an assembly of students who have come together on the basis of a shared interest (academic, cultural, recreational, or social). There are many student societies available at MSVU, e.g. academic-based ones like the Business and Tourism student society, Bachelor of Education society, and Science society and non-academic ones like the Dance society, Indigenous student society and more. Whatever your interests, there is no doubt a student society for you.
Example societies (the full list of student societies is much longer!):
Business and Tourism student society
The Business and Tourism student society seeks to help students get to know one another while also expanding their professional skill sets. The society boasts a variety of activities, including social/leisure events, networking opportunities, and more. Students can even get involved as members of the society’s executive.

Science student society
The MSVU Science student society is aimed at bringing students together for social events and opportunities to de-stress from the rigors of academic work (though members are no doubt happy to help one another with questions about classes too). They host events including (but not limited to!) museum trips, a ‘defend your major’ event, lab coat dyeing, a cyanotype workshop and more.
Dance society
The MSVU Dance society is a sociocultural student society focused on dancing as a social and cultural activity for students. The dance society provides an avenue for students to showcase their dancing skills and creativity. The society holds a blend of events including try-outs for performance-based projects and drop-in classes for all. Their performance group has been known to perform throughout the year on campus, including at varsity sports games, for example.

Now, are you curious how you can join one of these societies or interested in the full list of student societies available at MSVU? Most student societies are free to join and open to students in all disciplines, though some societies’ specifics guidelines may vary. Visit the Mount Saint Vincent Students’ Union website (student societies are organized via the Students’ Union) for further information regarding each student society group, including how to join. Have an idea for a new student society? You can create one! Contact sucomm@msvu.ca for more information.