Recognizing Academic Excellence

Mount Saint Vincent University offers prizes and awards are given to in-course students. The criteria for each prize and award varies depending on academic achievement, extra-curricular activity, and involvement within the Mount Community.

Please note that the listing of awards and prizes is accurate, but that changes may occur. For more information about a particular prize and/or award, contact the Academic department or Financial Services.

There are a number of prizes available for academic achievement in various subject areas. Please refer to the full list for prizes below:

Prizes are given to in-course students for particular achievements. Please note that the listing of prizes is accurate, but that changes may occur.

Alliance Française Prize
A book prize and one year membership in the French Alliance, awarded to a student who, in the opinion of the French faculty, has demonstrated competence in French and overall leadership in organizing cultural activities for French students.

Beryl Rowland Book Prize in English
Awarded annually to the student who achieves the highest average in English.

Book Prize in Women’s Studies
Awarded based on departmental recommendation to the top graduating student in Women’s Studies.

Canadian Society for Chemistry
Awarded on departmental recommendation, a silver medal to the highest ranking chemistry major entering the senior or graduating year of study.

Danny Weston Memorial Prize in French
A book prize awarded in memory of former modern languages student Danny Weston to a third-year student who, in the opinion of French faculty members, has shown outstanding progress in French.

Dr. Lillian Wainwright Biology Prize
Awarded by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association, in memory of Dr. Lillian Wainwright, former faculty member of the Department of Biology. On the recommendation of the biology faculty, this award will be given to a third year (or having completed 10.0 units) biology major with a GPA of at least 3.5.

Dr. Patrick O’Neill Prize in Public Speaking
Awarded by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association in memory of Dr. Patrick O’Neill, a former professor, researcher, and coordinator of the Speech and Drama program at Mount Saint Vincent University, to a student with high academic standing in PBRL 2211/COMM 2211 in the previous calendar year, as chosen by the departmental faculty.

Graduating Sociology/Anthropology Student Prize
Awarded annually to the graduating student with outstanding work in sociology/anthropology, as chosen by the departmental faculty.

Modern Languages Spanish Prize
A book prize awarded yearly to an intermediate or advanced Spanish language student who has shown the most progress in the study of Spanish.

Jennifer Grabove Book Prize
Awarded annually to one or more students who have accomplished outstanding work in a 2000 level European history course, in memory of Dr. Jennifer Grabove. The books, from Dr. Grabove’s private collection, have been donated by her family.

Ken Dewar Book Prize
Established by the History Department in honour of a former member of faculty. Sponsored by Bookmark, the prize is awarded annually to the student with the highest standing in 1000-level courses in World History or Western Civilization.

Maritime History Book Prizes
Awarded annually to the two students with the highest marks in HIST 2230 and HIST 2231, sponsored by Bookmark Inc.

McGrath-Baird Prize in Gerontology
Established by Dr. Constance McGrath-Baird in memory of her parents Mary G. O’Toole McGrath and Edward J. McGrath. This prize is awarded to a mature student, recently returned to studies in gerontology and working towards a combined major, concentration or minor in Gerontology.

Mrs. Angus L. Macdonald Literary Award
Established by the Halifax-Dartmouth City Council of Beta Sigma Phi in memory of Mrs. Agnes Macdonald, alumna and past member of the Board of Governors of Mount Saint Vincent University. The award will be given for the best and most deserving work in the literary field, as specified and chosen each year by the English Faculty

Patricia Butler Prize
The Patricia Butler Prize will be awarded annually to a student in good academic standing who, in the judgement of the President’s Forum, has made a significant contribution to University governance in the year leading up to the awarding of the prize. Such a contribution will normally have been made through significant service on such university bodies as the Board of Governors, the Senate, the committees of these governance bodies and other committees of the University such as the University Budget Committee, search committees or other university committees.

Sara Elizabeth Phillips Memorial Prize in Mathematics
Awarded annually to an outstanding mathematics student on the recommendation of the Mathematics Department.

Sister Francis d’Assisi Prize for History
Awarded by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association to honour Sister Francis d’Assisi, historian and former President of Mount Saint Vincent University, to a graduating student with outstanding work in history, as chosen by the departmental faculty. The recipient also receives a book award from the History Department, sponsored by Bookmark Inc.

Sister Marie Agnes Prize in English
Awarded by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association to the graduating English major with the highest academic average.

Sister Rose Celestine Prize for French
Awarded by the Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association in memory of Sister Rose Celestine a former member of the French Department, to a student who has shown the most progress in French courses at the 2000 level or above.

Spanish Embassy Prize
A book prize is awarded by the Spanish Embassy to a student recommended by the Modern Languages Department in recognition of excellence in the study of the Spanish language.

Susan Boyd Endowed Prize for Excellence in Chemistry
Established by Dr. Boyd’s Family on the occasion of her retirement from Mount Saint Vincent University to recognize her distinguished record of achievement and her dedication to her students. This prize will be presented annually to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence, has completed a minimum of 3.0 units in chemistry, and who intends to pursue advanced study in chemistry or teach chemistry at the secondary level. Applicants must submit a letter detailing their future academic and career plans and submit to the Chair, Department of Chemistry.

Swiss Ambassador’s Prizes
Book prize awarded to a student with the highest standing in French.

Walter Shelton Essay Prize in History
Established by the History Department in honour of a former Vice-President (Academic) and member of faculty. Sponsored by Bookmark Inc., the prize is awarded annually to a History Major or Honours student for the best essay in a 3000 or 4000 level course.

There are several awards from academic departments that are based on a variety of achievements. These facts may include academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and community involvement. Some awards have a deadline and may need a letter as part of the application. Please consult with the department for more information.

Awards are given to in-course students for particular achievements. Please note that the listing of awards is accurate, but that changes may occur.

Accounting Achievement Award
Established by Professor Ann MacGillivary upon her retirement from Mount Saint Vincent University, having served as a faculty member in the Department of Business Administration & Tourism and Hospitality Management from 1978 to 2017.

This annual award will be made to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program (full time or part time) with a declared major in accounting who have completed 15 units which must include BUSI 2321/ 2322/ 3320/ 3324/ 3325/ 3326/ 4425 and either BUSI 3343 or BUSI 4465. (Total of four units of the accounting major, two units of which must have been completed through Mount Saint Vincent University.) Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and no grade in the BBA program below a C+ (GPA of 2.3)

To apply, applicants must include a letter (maximum 300 words) which details their community activities and/or volunteer service.

To apply, email
Application deadline: April 30

Alleyne Murphy Undrergraduate Award
In keeping with Mrs. Murphy’s efforts to promote academic excellence in the nutrition and dietetics program, this award, established by her former students and colleagues, will acknowledge superior scholarship by a senior student. In this case, scholarship will encompass a sound understanding of theory in nutrition and dietetics, and the ability to evaluate concepts and principles within the field using the elements of research design and methodology. Recipients will be chosen by the applied human nutrition faculty and will be presented with the award at the professional induction ceremony.

Andrea M. and Charles R. Bronfman Award in Canadian Studies
Through the support of the Bronfman family, this award provides travel costs and partial tuition for a student majoring in Canadian studies. It is designed to promote Canadian understanding by providing students with the opportunity to realize, physically and academically, exposure to a wider experience and knowledge of Canadian life and to share that knowledge with others. This scholarship is open to all current students who have taken, or are currently enrolled in CANA/POLS 1102, 2201, 2202, 3301 or 4401 and former courses CANA 3305, CANA/POLS 1100, 1101. Contact either the Chair of Political and Canadian Studies or the Coordinator of Canadian Studies for details and applications forms.

Ann and Jim Duffy Memorial Award
Established by the Atlantic Men’s Wear Placing Market in honor of Ann & Jim Duffy and awarded annually to a BUSI 3332 (Retailing Management) and/or BUSI 3334 (Personal Selling and Sales Management) student. First preference is given to a student interested in the retail clothing/sales industry.

Applied Human Nutrition Thesis Conference Travel Award
Created to support budding researchers/scientists in their dissemination activities, this award is for full-time students in an Applied Human Nutrition degree program. Undergraduate students must be entering the 3rd or 4th year with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in all 1st and 2nd year NUTR courses. Graduate students must have successfully proposed their graduate research, received MSVU research ethics approval and have an established supervisory committee. Students will be required to present their research and experience to the Department of Applied Human Nutrition following the conference. Submission requirements are available from the Department of Applied Human Nutrition.

The Bailey Dinelle Williams Award
Established by Bailey Williams, BPR ’10 to mentor and encourage Black women entering the communications profession. This award is for Black female students in the first year of any degree program within MSVU’s Department of Communications Studies. Preference will be to domestic students.

The Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals (CAFP) Award of Excellence
This award was established by The Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals (CAFP) to support undergraduate students enrolled in the programs of Applied Human Nutrition or Business and Tourism Hospitality Management. The CAFP values personal growth, industry commitment and community contribution.

To apply, applicants must be enrolled in the undergraduate program of either Applied Human Nutrition or Business & Tourism Hospitality Management at MSVU and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B). Applicants must also include a letter (maximum 300 words) that details their career motivations and objectives and/or contributions to their community.

Certificate for Outstanding Performance in Women’s Studies 1110
Awarded annually to a first-year student in the women’s studies program with the highest grade in WOMS 1110 who is continuing in WOMS 1112.

Child and Youth Study Award for Academic Excellence
Established by the Department of Child and Youth Study to recognize excellence in academic achievement. Awarded annually to the graduating Child and Youth Study student holding the highest GPA.

Child and Youth Study Lindsey Cousineau Award
Named in honour of Lindsey Kathryn Cousineau, for inspiring dedication to learning and service to others. Awarded on departmental recommendation to an undergraduate student enrolled in the Child and Youth Study program who has achieved significant university and/or community service; demonstrated ongoing dedication to learning; completed 15.0 or more units of academic credit typically with a minimum GPA of 3.0; and successfully completed 2 practicum placements. Students may only receive this award once. Applicants must submit a completed application form which is available from the Department of Child and Youth Study website and covering letter identifying university and/or community service activities, and a letter of recommendation attesting to their service. Submit supporting documentation to:
Application Deadline: February 24

Child and Youth Study Practicum Award
To be awarded annually from 2015 to an undergraduate student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in their first practicum placement in the previous academic year (Sept–June). The award will be based on a letter of recommendation from the student’s Mount practicum placement supervisor. This award is not eligible to those who have been granted practicum credit through transfer, challenge, or Prior Learning Assessment processes.

Community Service Award in Applied Human Nutrition
A book prize awarded to a student who has given community service demonstrating the use of nutrition knowledge to assist people in enhancing their daily lives.

Community Service Award in Family Studies and Gerontology
A book prize awarded to a student who has given community service demonstrating the use of family studies and gerontology knowledge to assist people in enhancing their daily lives.

Doug and Joy Harriott Award in Physics
Established by Dr. Tina Harriott in memory of her parents and in recognition of their support for women to enter the STEM fields, particularly Physics and Astronomy. This award is presented annually on the recommendation of the Chemistry/Physics Department to a student who has completed at least 2.0 units of physics or equivalent; has shown outstanding academic achievement in their physics courses and who is enrolled in a degree program at Mount Saint Vincent University. Preference will be to a female student

David Bell Memorial Endowed Award
The David Bell Executive Award was established to assist a Bachelor of Public Relations student in her/his graduation year with their travel expenses in a job search. Applications must be made to the Chair, Public Relations Department. The successful applicant is expected to give a debriefing on his/her experience to a representative of David Bell Executive Search, who will be designated.
Application Deadline: January 30

Dr. Frank Bennett Mathematics Research Award
Established by the Mathematics Department to recognize the outstanding services of Dr. Frank Bennett as a researcher and teacher. This award will be presented to an honours student who shows great potential for Mathematics research. Preference will be given to an honours student who has applied to or has been accepted for graduate school.

Dr. John Reid Statistics Award
Established by the Mathematics Department to recognize the years of dedicated service given by Dr. Reid and in particular the contributions he made to the development of the Statistics program at the Mount. This award is presented annually to the returning student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in MATH 2208 and MATH 2209 (Introduction to Statistics 1 and 2) within their first or second year. In case of a tie, performance in other introductory courses may be considered.

Dr. Len Parent Computer Studies Award
Established by the faculty in the Mathematics and Computer Studies Department in memory of Dr. Len Parent, a former mathematics professor who was instrumental in setting up the computer science program at the Mount. This award is presented annually to the returning student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in CMPS 1155 (Introduction to Computer Programming I) within their first or second year. In case of a tie, performance in other introductory courses may be considered.

Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour Award
Established by the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering Program – Atlantic Region, this award is in memory of Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour, CM. With enduring fondness for her Scottish homeland and the quality of Scotland’s academic programs, this Canadian chemist was an active advocate for women in science across Canada.

She is well-known for her research expertise in the handling, recycling and disposing of hazardous chemical waste, and for being an active and vocal advocate for women in science. Dr. Armour founded the Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology (WISEST) program, and served as the first Associate Dean of Science for Diversity at the University of Alberta. She was named a Canada 150 ambassador in 2017, a member of the Order of Canada in 2006, and a 3M Teaching Fellow in 1996, Canada’s premier award for undergraduate teaching.

This award will be presented annually on the recommendation of the Departments of Chemistry/Physics, Biology and Mathematics to undergraduate female students or students identifying as women majoring in Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Mathematics with proven volunteer experience on the MSVU campus or larger community while studying at MSVU. Students must also have demonstrated growth in their understanding of their chosen scientific discipline. Three awards will be made annually (one in each Department) to a female student or those identifying as women who have completed a minimum of 5.0 units and maximum of 10.0 units in the Bachelor of Science program; who has achieved a minimum GPA of 2.4; and who has not yet received another scholarship or monetary award at MSVU within the same year.

Applicants must submit a resume and short cover letter to the head of their Department identifying their volunteer work either across the MSVU campus or in the community while studying at MSVU.

Dr. Rosemarie Sampson Award in Psychology
Established by Dr. Rosemarie Sampson, an alumna, former professor and Dean, during the Building Tomorrow Together capital campaign. This award will be presented annually to a graduating honours student in psychology who intends to pursue graduate studies, in recognition of her/his academic achievement, excellence in research and their potential for contribution to the discipline of psychology.

Dyrick McDermott Memorial Endowed Leadership Award
Established by friends and family of Dyrick McDermott (’94) to honour his love of family, his contribution to his community and his unparalleled energy in support of athletics at Mount Saint Vincent University. This award is established as a tribute to Dyrick, but also to encourage and recognize a female varsity basketball student athlete who exemplifies similar attributes, with good academic performance, who participates in varsity sports and demonstrates sportsmanship and outstanding leadership.

Eleftherios and Anne Marie Michalopoulos Education Award
Established by Eleftherios Michalopoulos, MEd ’21 in memory of his beloved wife, Anne-Marie. Eleftherios started university studies at the age of 66 to fulfill a promise to Anne-Marie that he would pursue an education and support the betterment of society. This award is presented annually to an Indigenous student with strong performance in both course work and practicum in the second year of the Bachelor of Education degree program at Mount Saint Vincent University. Preference to a Mi’kmaw student.

Elizabeth Church Global Experience Award
Established by Dr. Elizabeth Church, Vice-President Academic and Provost from 2010-2019. The Elizabeth Church Global Experience Award is presented annually to a student with demonstrated financial need, participating in an international experience supported by the International Education Centre. Recipients must be enrolled at Mount Saint Vincent University.

Enterprise Holdings Indigenous Student Award
Established by Enterprise Holdings to be awarded annually to a graduating Indigenous student in the Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree program at Mount Saint Vincent University.

Frances Malloy Award in Applied Human Nutrition in the Integrated Internship Education Program
Established by friends and family of Frances Malloy in her memory. Awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Applied Human Nutrition Integrated Education Program who is starting her/his second or third internship. The recipient will have demonstrated strong academic performance, and must be involved in university life at Mount Saint Vincent University. Applicants must submit a résumé outlining their involvement on campus. Applications should be submitted to the Chair, Department of Applied Human Nutrition. Application Deadline: March 15

Fenêtre sur la Francophonie Award
Established by faculty members from the Department of Modern Languages, Fenêtre sur la Francophonie award provides funding towards a one-week trip to France (or French territory) to participate in a language and cultural program recommended and approved by the Department. This award is presented annually to a student specializing in French who achieves outstanding results in French courses and who have demonstrated great interest towards French language and culture. The recipient must be enrolled in French courses at Mount Saint Vincent University for the next academic year and must have completed six units of French before the trip, including FREN2214, FREN2215, FREN2253, FFREN2254, FREN3314, FREN3315.

Guildford-Cook Endowed Award
Established by Dr. Jane Leigh Cook to honour her mentor and friend Dr. Janet Vey Guildford of the Department of History, who shares her belief that student learning extends beyond the classroom through insight and experiences gained as a result of travel. This Award is to provide financial assistance to either part-time or full-time students majoring in History who would like to pursue educational opportunities and experiences outside of Halifax and require funding to do so. These opportunities may relate to their area of study or research or assist with a volunteer experience such as building homes with Habitat for Humanity.

Applicants must submit a resume and a letter to the Chair of the Department of History outlining their project or research, detailing their learning objectives and their travel arrangements. Recipient of this award must submit a final report to the Chair of the Department of History. The report, or excerpts therefrom, may be published by the Department of History at its discretion.
Application Deadline: March 15

Judge Corrine Sparks Community Award
Established by Judge Corrine Sparks, a Mount Saint Vincent University alumna and past member of the MSVU Board of Governors. Judge Sparks graduated from MSVU in 1974 with a bachelor of arts in economics. She went on to earn a bachelor of law degree in 1979 and in 2001 completed a master’s of law degree at Dalhousie University. Appointed to the Nova Scotia Family Court in 1987, Judge Sparks became the first African Nova Scotian to be appointed to the bench, and the first African Canadian female to serve on the judiciary in Canada. This award is presented annually to an MSVU student who has demonstrated service and recognized contribution to the African Nova Scotian community. Preference will be to an African Nova Scotian student.

Applicants must submit the following supplemental documentation:

Applications must be submitted to

Application Deadline: May 15

Katherine Darvesh Award in Physics
Established in honour and recognition of Dr. Katherine Darvesh on her retirement after 35 years of outstanding service to MSVU. This award will be presented annually to a full-time returning student in the Bachelor of Science degree program at MSVU who has demonstrated outstanding performance in PHYS 1101 and 1102 and other entry-level courses.

Marcia Moore Anderson Applied Human Nutrition Award
Established by MSVU alumna, Maria Anderson, BHEC ’76. This award is presented annually to a full-time, undergraduate student in the second, third or fourth year of MSVU’s Applied Human Nutrition degree program who has demonstrated interest in working with individuals and communities in food and nutrition education. Preference to a student who intends to work within rural communities.

Marial Mosher Canadian Studies Award
For over 25 years, Dr. Marial Mosher was an integral part of the Canadian Studies program which she initiated at the Mount. Dr. Mosher taught in the program, was an annual guest lecturer and was an active honorary member of the Canadian Studies Society. This award provides financial assistance to support full travel costs and partial course tuition to the Recipient of the Andrea and Charles R. Bronfman Award in Canadian Studies which is designed to promote Canadian understanding by providing students with the opportunity to realize, physically and academically, exposure to a wider experience and knowledge of Canadian life and to share that knowledge with others. This award is made annually, and is open to all current students who have taken, or are currently enrolled in CANA/POLS 1102, CANA 1102, 2201, 2201, 3301 or CANA 4401 and former courses CANA 3305, CANA/POLS 1100. Contact the Chair of the Department of Political and Canadian Studies or the Coordinator of Canadian Studies for details and application forms.

Marial Mosher Canadian Study Travel Award
For over 25 years, Dr. Marial Mosher was an integral part of the Canadian Studies program which she initiated at the Mount. Dr. Mosher taught in the program, was an annual guest lecturer and was an active honorary member of the Canadian Studies Society. This award provides financial assistance for travel to support self-directed study for students enrolled in CANA 4002. This scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Political and Canadian Studies.

Michael and Madeleine Merrigan Memorial Award in Education
Established by members of the University community to honour the dedicated career of Michael Merrigan, retired Executive Assistant to the President. At his request, this award is presented in memory of his parents and is designated annually for a student in the education program.

Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association and Mount Saint Vincent Students’ Union Leadership Award
To be considered for the award, students must demonstrate activity characterized by participation, accomplishment, dedication and guidance to others. This will include involvement in one or more areas of the University, such as Students’ Union, societies, associations, residence life or athletics.
For more information, application and current year deadline please see

Nunavut Teacher Practicum Award
Established by Nick Newbery through the generous donations of the TD Bank and Dr. Uhthoff, is presented annually on the recommendation of the Education Department to a student in their second year of the BEd program entering into their final practicum placement. Preference will be given to students of Northern or other indigenous descent or those looking for employment in the northern communities. For the purpose of this application, indigenous people include individuals who are status, non-status, First Nations, Metis, or Inuit. Applicants must submit an application outlining their interest in teaching in Nunavut. Those who wish to be considered as an indigenous applicant must self-identify.

Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Endowed Award For Excellence In Tourism and Hospitality Management
Established by Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. This award recognizes academic excellence and is presented to a student graduating from the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree program with the highest aggregate in each of the Spring and Fall Convocations.

Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Endowed Leadership Award
Established by Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. This award recognizes a senior student who has completed a minimum of 15.0 units and who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in her/his life as a Mount student and the potential to contribute to the profession in the future. Students must submit a résumé and covering letter outlining their demonstrated leadership abilities within the University community (in sports, student government, student societies) or in volunteer activities outside of the university.

Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Endowed Travel Award For The Tourism And Hospitality Management Degree
Established by Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. This award provides financial assistance to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree who took up residence outside of Halifax Regional Municipality to complete their co-operative education work term. Students must complete the travel Award application and submit an essay on the benefits of going away for their co-operative work term and outline what they have learned and gained from this experience.
Application Deadline: November 1

Raymond and Helen Plato Memorial Academic/Athletic Achievement Expendable Award
Established by Sandy Thomas and Rick Plato in honour of their parents, Franklin Raymond and Helen Plato, this award recognizes a male student athlete for both his academic achievement and success in basketball.

Robert (Bob) Bagg Endowed Award
Established by colleagues and friends of Dr. Bob Bagg, a well-loved faculty member of the Department of Business Administration & Tourism and Hospitality Management, to honour his humour, his intelligence and his passion for teaching. This award is established to honour Bob, but also to provide financial assistance to a business student that is pursuing excellence in management.

Science Society Award
Established in 1984, this award will be made annually to a student who has completed a minimum of 5.0 units in a Bachelor of Science program; who has achieved a minimum GPA of 2.0; and who has shown genuine interest in continuing studies in the sciences.

Scotiabank Endowed Study Abroad Award
Established by Scotiabank, Canada’s leading international bank. Scotiabank is dedicated to advancing education in Canada and, in particular, providing students with study abroad opportunities. These awards, in support of the University’s capital campaign, Building Tomorrow Together, recognize the importance of study abroad programs in providing leaders of tomorrow with international perspectives and experiences and will provide financial assistance to Mount Saint Vincent University students who take advantage of these opportunities.

Students must participate in a University sponsored exchange program in countries where Scotiabank has services. List of countries may be obtained from the Office of the International Student Advisor. Applicants must complete an application form.
Application Deadline: April 1

Sheila and Stephenie Allt Memorial Award
Established by friends and family of Sheila and Stephenie Allt in honour of their love and support to the community. Awarded annually to a student athlete, in good academic standing who has attended Mount Saint Vincent University for a minimum of one year and has demonstrated a commitment to volunteerism within the Mount community or externally. Applicants must submit a résumé outlining their personal commitment to volunteering and a letter stating why they feel volunteerism is important. Applications should be submitted to the Co-ordinator of Athletics and Recreation.
Application Deadline: March 15

Sister Frances de Sales Endowed Research Award
Awarded annually to a senior undergraduate student (has completed more than 7.5 units) who demonstrates outstanding research skills in using information/sources located in or accessible from the Mount Library, when completing a research assignment (essay or annotated bibliography) for course credit at the Mount during the 12 month period preceding the January 31 Deadline.

Please submit a clean copy (no comments or grade) of your research assignment with supporting documentation to:

The Mount Saint Vincent University Library Award Program
Attn: Head Librarian,
The Library, Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 2J6

Supporting documentation includes:
Part A: An award submission form which is available at the Mount Library Circulation desk.
Part B: A copy of the course outline and/or assignment with an indication of the percentage of final mark assigned to the paper.
Part C: A research log – a list of the research sources you consulted (indexes, abstracts, bibliographies), in chronological order of their use, with some indication of the importance of each source for completing the assignment.
Application Deadline: January 31

Sister Frances Carmel Regan Award in Philosophy
Established by the College Class of ’51, during their 50th reunion, in honour of Sister Frances Carmel. Sister Frances Carmel was missioned to Mount Saint Vincent College in 1933 and she remained there as a Professor of Philosophy, Registrar, and Dean until 1966. She was an outstanding teacher in Philosophy who challenged her students to think deeply and for themselves. Awarded annually to an outstanding philosophy student on the recommendation of the philosophy faculty.

Sister Patricia Mullins Award in Chemistry
Inaugurated by the Chemistry Department to recognize and to commemorate the years of distinguished service which Sister Mullins gave as a teacher, researcher and administrator at the Mount. This financial award and certificate will be presented annually to a full-time returning student in the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program who has demonstrated outstanding performance in CHEM 1011 and 1012 and other entry-level courses.

Tracy Barton Memorial Endowed Award
Established by the Tinkham Family in honour of Tracy Barton who spent many years at Mount Saint Vincent University as a student, alumna and employee in both Security and the Student Affairs Department. This annual award is given to a student athlete, in good academic standing, who has attended Mount Saint Vincent University for a minimum of one year and has demonstrated a commitment to fostering team spirit by supporting fellow team players. Applicants must submit a résumé and a statement commenting on the value of fostering team spirit.
Application Deadline: March 15