Summer 2025 application will open March 3, 2025

What is Student Works?

The Mount offers a bursary-funded student employment program called Student Works.  These are on-campus based jobs working with various university departments and faculty members. The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate financial need.

Fall & Winter Program (part-time employment program)

  • Offers part-time, on-campus employment from late September to late March
  • Students may work up to 12 hours per week at $17 per hour
  • Apply for Fall/Winter jobs in September

Spring & Summer Program (full-time employment program)

  • Offers full-time on-campus employment between May – August
  • Students work 32.5 hours per week at $17 per hour
  • Apply for Spring/Summer jobs in March

To be eligible to apply for the Student Works program, students must:

  • Demonstrate financial need by completing the Student Works application (found in section How do I Apply?)
  • Be a Mount student for the 2025/26 academic year and registered full-time in both Fall and Winter terms
  • If a domestic student, must have either a government student loan or bank funding (if applicable)
  • Be living in Canada and available to work on-campus
  • Have a valid Canadian social insurance number and bank account
  • Hold a valid study permit (if an international student)

Student Works job postings are found on Career Connects.

  1. Select Career
  2. Select “Job Postings” then “New Search”
  3. Scroll down to “Job Posting Information” and select “On-Campus” as the Job Type
  4. Select “Search Job Posting” at bottom of page

Job postings will be available when applications open.

Students may apply for multiple Student Works positions; however, if offered more than one position, each student may only accept one Student Works job.

Send ONE email that includes cover letters for ALL of the Student Works positions you are applying for to

Your email should use the subject: Student Works [Your Name] and have ALL the attachments listed below. Please note, if you are working from OneDrive and want to attach a file to an email, you cannot “Share link.” You must choose “Attach as copy.”

Your email must include the following items:

  • The Summer 2025 Student Works Application (applications are now closed. Deadline to apply was March 14, 12:00pm)
  • Proof of Student Loan or Student Line of Credit (if applicable).
  • One resume (PDF preferred) with your name in the file name.
  • Personalized cover letters for each job you are applying for (PDF preferred) with the Career Connects Job ID number and your name in the file name. For example: Job ID 1234 Kyla Friel.
  • Applications must be complete for consideration. Applications that lack information and/or documentation, or includes information that is not clear or current, will not be considered. Students not registered full time in both Fall and Winter terms will not be considered.

Email your completed package to by the deadline indicated on the Career Connects posting.


Questions? Email