About the Society

The International Student Society (ISS) is a society where every creed, race, and religion finds commonality, where opinions can be expressed without prejudice, where diversities will be honored and no student will be diminished, dismissed or disrespected for their differences. We encourage members to bring a piece of their nation with them.

The president provides adequate leadership in the society, chairs all general and executive meetings, plans the agenda and ensures that all executive members have the necessary information for executive meetings. Provides and maintains efficient administration over ISS affairs.

  • Provides direction and ensures that visions of ISS are met.
  • Has responsibilities over the budget and works closely with the treasurer.
  • Expected to attend external meetings and should send notice of regret if not able to do so.
  • Expected to assist in other executive members’ work load if needed or asked for.
  • Works closely with the International Student Representative to properly strategize on how to maximize SU services and to ensure that matters are up to date.
  • Along with the VP, president must write up the agenda for meetings.

The VP acts as the principle representative in the absence of the president, provides leadership, helps organize activities and events.

  • Fulfills the tasks of president in case the president is unavailable or is not able to do so.
  • Expected to assist in other executive members’ work load if needed or asked for.
  • Chairs the internal and assists the external communication, ensuring that messages are properly relayed.
  • Works closely with the Organizing Secretary in writing letters & other necessary documentations needed by the ISS.

Works closely with the Publicity Officer and Events Coordinator in the promotion of events and other announcements

The organizing secretary recruits new members, maintains the membership list, distributes meeting minutes and handles incoming and outgoing correspondence.

  • Responsible for maintaining a proper membership list inclusive of the executive, advisory, and all contributing members and meeting attendees involved.
  • Assists in the recruitment of possible members.
  • Records, organizes, and distributes minutes to board members and ISS office.
  • Gives regular notices or reminders of executive and emergency meetings.
  • Updates the executive and advisory committees of any internal and external correspondences.
  • Handles secretarial and executive tasks such as writing letters, proposals, or handling forms for the SU, when required.

Is co-signature of bank transactions, maintains financial records, prepares financial statements and arranges banking services.

  • Accountable for the handling of funds, ensuring their safety and providing approval of funds when required.
  • Provides a bank statement of the ISS Bank Account when requested by an executive member of the ISS.
  • Provides funds for ISS activities when requested from executive members of the ISS.
  • Works closely with the Events Coordinator in planning fundraising activities; providing the float and accounting for the sales and end money count for each activity.

The events coordinator organizes events and activities, chairs events committees, handles stage setting and management for events, prepares and distributes notices about upcoming events.

  • Responsible for coordinating, organizing and planning events and activities for the society.
  • Chairs different committees that will be formed for events.
  • Manages all logistical details pertaining to society’s events.
  • Prepares and distributes, as appropriate, all documentation pertaining to ongoing and forthcoming events.
  • Maintains good communication between members committees.
  • Engages the International Student Body through ongoing campus activities.
  • Works closely with the Treasurer to assure funds are adequately used.
  • Ensures that all necessary documents (requisition forms) for the event is submitted and approved.

Promotes activities and events, acts as a liaison between the ISS and the clubs and societies on and outside campus, designs and distributes flyers.

  • Responsible for getting former and new international students more involved in the society.
  • Chairs the external communication, ensuring that all events are well promoted and ISS maintains a good and reputable image.
  • Responsible for handling and maintaining social and advertising media tools (facebook, twitter, podcasts, posters, fliers, and other forms of media).
  • Works closely with the International Student Representative to ensure communication throughout SU and other societies; to be able to collaborate, participate, and promote events to and of other societies.
  • Responsible for coming up with new and creative ways to promote the ISS to incoming international students and to the rest of the student body as well as Mount faculty and staff.
  • Acts as the liaison between the ISS and students’ union.
  • Attends all meetings, both the ISS and SU.
  • Promptly relays all the necessary information to both sides.
  • Assures that ISS concerns are voiced to SU.
  • Assures that SU opportunities for ISS are maximized.
  • Actively participates in the ISS events and promotes them to the student body.
  • Ensure that all necessary information is promptly relayed to their respective committee.
  • Ensure that all concerns of their committee is promptly relayed to the executive members.

Students from the following regions will nominate their representative:

  1. Africa
  2. Asia (other than China)
  3. Bermuda
  4. Caribbean (other than Bermuda)
  5. China
  6. Europe
  7. Middle East
  8. North America