A former resident of The Pas, Dr. Lorri Neilsen Glenn is writing about Red River women
Mount professor, non-fiction writer and poet Dr. Lorri Neilsen Glenn is currently in Northern Manitoba as the Writer-in-Residence at The Pas Regional Library. In an email written from her former hometown of The Pas, Lorri says, “I’m working with indigenous writers – it’s a real pleasure.”
Lorri is penning a book of stories featuring her Cree great-grandmother of Red River, and other First Nations and Métis women. One particular essay has been published in a collection called In This Together: Fifteen True Stories of Truth and Reconciliation. The collection, edited by Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail, contains pieces by Indigenous and non-Indigenous writers from across Canada.
According to publishers Brindle & Glass, “These reflective and personal pieces come from journalists, writers, academics, visual artists, filmmakers, city planners, and lawyers, all of whom share their personal light-bulb moments regarding when and how they grappled when the harsh reality of colonization in Canada, and its harmful legacy.”
“Featuring a candid conversation between CBC radio host Shelagh Rogers and Chief Justice Sinclair, this book acts as a call for all Canadians to make reconciliation and decolonization a priority, and reminds us that once we know the history, we all have the responsibility – and ability – to make things better.”
Lorri is scheduled to return home to Halifax in late June.
Read more about Lorri’s work and Writer-in-Residence experience here.