Welcome to Mount Saint Vincent University’s Board of Governors The Board of Governors’ Policies and Procedures Manual (aka Board Manual) was developed to help you, as a Board member, access the information and tools needed…
About MSVU Section
As COVID-19 cases continue to increase in our communities and due to the flu and respiratory viruses season, the Mount Health Office is making some important changes of which you should be aware. Beginning October…
Latest University messages Change to campus mask requirement – May 5, 2023 Dear MSVU students, faculty and staff, Sincere thanks to all of you for your dedication to the MSVU community over the past three…
Mount Saint Vincent University is governed using a bi-cameral governance structure consisting of the Board of Governors and the Senate. The Board of Governors is charged with governance, conduct, management and control of the University;…
Our commitment Mount Saint Vincent University is committed to efforts that advance equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility across all facets of our university and in the community. Equity, diversity and inclusion means acknowledging and embracing…
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) sets out mandatory requirements relating to personal information held by public bodies. FOIPOP also requires that public bodies protect the confidentiality of personal information, and…
Below you will find policies for which Mount Saint Vincent University’s Board of Governors is responsible; these policies are listed under the Board Committee tasked with its upkeep. For a complete list of Board approved…
Board of Governors’ Committees Members of the Mount’s Board of Governors and, in some cases, members of the external community, participate on “standing” and “ad hoc” committees designed to assist the Board in carrying out…
Consultation questions The following consultation questions formed the basis of the extensive consultation undertaken in the development of MSVU’s 2021-2028 Strategic Plan: Strength Through Community: Do all of the goals of MSVU’s most recent strategic…
Environmental Scan Prepared in September 2019 by members of the Strategic Planning Working Group This environmental scan is meant to provide context to inform input to Mount Saint Vincent University’s current strategic planning process. The…