As a Biology student you will have the opportunity to work directly with faculty in different areas of research such as insect physiology, cell and molecular biology, fungal ecology, plant ecology, developmental biology and more.…
Academics - Biology Faculty
Assistant Professor Post-doctoral research (Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Prague, Czechia) Post-doctoral research (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA) PhD (Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada) BSc (University of Western Ontario, London, Canada) 902-457-6296 David.Awde@MSVU.CA …
Lab Instructor MSc (Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia) BScH (Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia) (902) 457-6295 Labs: Introductory Biology I (1152) Introductory Biology II (1153) Plants: Form and Function (2203) Cell and Molecular Biology…
Assistant Professor Post-doctoral research (University of Exeter, Exeter, UK) PhD (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany) MSc, BSc (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada) (902) 457-5068 Lori.Borgal@MSVU.CA Research Interests: My lab uses both human cell culture and the…
Teaching BIOL 4444 Climate Change and Plants A detailed study of climate change, its components and effects on plants in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Anthropogenic activities and natural processes that lead to climate change…
Selected Publications McDormand ED and Qaderi MM (2025) Individual and interactive effects of temperature and watering regime on canola growth and physiological characteristics. Plant-Environ Interact 6:e70030,1-14. Dixon SL and Qaderi MM (2025) Canola responds differently…
Present Lab Members Emma Daigle BSc Honours Student Education: BSc in Biology, MSVU Research: Effects of wind velocity on plant-derived methane Madeleine Spicer Research Assistant Education: BSc in Biology, MSVU Research: Regulation of…
My research program is focused on plant responses to multiple environmental factors, such as carbon dioxide, temperature, ultraviolet-B radiation, light quality, and water stress. I am interested in how plants cope with stress factors, and…
Plants and Climate Change © Physiological Plant Ecology Lab
Senior Lab Instructor BSc (Hons)-University of Guelph, Canada MSc-University of New Brunswick, Canada Phone : 902-457-6377 Email : Labs: Introductory Biology I (1152) Introductory Biology II (1153) General Microbiology (2202) Microbial Diversity (2207) Physiology…