Dr. Brenna Duperron BA, Simon Fraser University MA, Simon Fraser University PhD, Dalhousie University Office: Seton 419 Email: brenna.duperron@msvu.ca Teaching and Research Interests My research focuses on bridging Indigenous and Medieval Studies, through the theoretical…
Academics - English
Assistant Professor B.A. (Hons), Mount Saint Vincent University B.Ed.. Mount Saint Vincent University M.A. University of Ottawa Ph.D. Western University E-mail: Lisa.Templin1@msvu.ca Teaching and Research Interests Early modern drama and literature, including Shakespeare; early modern…
Alyssa Evans – Graduated 2023 My English degree at MSVU has greatly helped me in my pursuit of becoming a teacher. Throughout my degree, I have developed amazing analyzing and critical thinking skills, which I…
Assistant Professor B.A. (Hons), Queen’s University, Canada B.Ed., Queen’s University, Canada M.St., University of Oxford, UK D.Phil., University of Oxford, UK E-mail: matthew.roby@msvu.ca Teaching and Research Interests Medieval languages and literatures, especially Old English, Middle…
Krista Collier-Jarvis wearing a medallian made by local artist Crystin Edwards and gifted to Krista by Dr. Margaret Robinson on the day of her PhD defense (Nick Pearce photos) Assistant Professor B.A. (Hons) Mount Saint…
What courses will you take in 2025-26? This guide is designed to help you make course selections for the upcoming year. Detailed descriptions of all our offerings for 2025-26 are found in the drop-down menus…
Summer Session I, 2025: May 5 – Jun 20 WRIT 1120(18) – The Writing Process: Theory and Practice 0.5 unit Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Synchronous Online ENGL 1170(18) – Introduction to Literature:…
Faculty profile of Dr. Adrian Knapp, Mount Saint Vincent University English Department.
Faculty profile of Dr. Bernadette Russo, Department of English, Mount Saint Vincent University
Email: Rebecca.Babcock@msvu.ca