Part-time Instructor, French Seton 235 C Education : One year of Hotel Management School in Strasbourg, France. BA in Applied Modern Languages (English and German) (Université de Paris X, France) Diplôme de la Chambre de…
Academics - Modern Languages
Part Time Instructor, Spanish Seton 325 E Education: MEd (Culture and Spanish Language, Salamanca, Spain) Courses taught in recent years: SPAN 1102 – Beginning Spanish II; SPAN 2201 – Intermediate Spanish I; SPAN 2202 –…
Part Time Instructor, French Seton 325 C Education: BA (Limoges, France); MA (Poitiers, France); PhD (Poitiers, France) Courses taught in recent years: FREN 1102 (Basic Practical French II); FREN 2201 (Practical French I); FREN 2202…
Associate Professor, Modern Languages Department Seton 343 457-6113 Research interests Francophone Songs, French-Canadian Novels (In particular, the Silent Revolution period in Quebec), Poetry, Chess as Metaphor in Francophone Literature Courses taught in recent…
Associate Professor, Chair of the Modern Languages Department Seton 339 (902) 457-5530 Research Interests: French as L2, paraphrasing competence, lexical competence of advanced learners, phraseology, phraseodidactics, language acquisition and language pedagogy. Education: BA, BEd…
Associate Professor, Modern Languages Department Seton 347 (902) 457-5990 Education BA (Université de Sherbrooke, Québec); MA (Université de Montréal); PhD (Université de Montréal) Courses taught in recent years FREN 2253 –…
Grettel Baldizon comes from Costa Rica and has been living in Canada for the past eighteen years. She has been a University professor at Mount Saint Vincent University for the past ten years. At the…
Full-Time Faculty Dr. Larry Steele, Associate Professor, French BA (University of British Columbia), MA (University of Manitoba), PhD (University of Manitoba) Research Interests: French-Canadian Novels (In particular, the Silent Revolution period in Quebec), Poetry, Songs.…
Associate Professor (retired) Seton 325 (902) 457-6266 Education: B.Sc. (Biochemistry) (equivalent) University of Paris, France B.A. (French) (equivalent) Middlebury College, Vermont M.A. (French) Middlebury College, Vermont Winner of the MSVU Alumnae Award for Teaching Excellence in 2009…
Full Professor (retired) Seton 345 (902) Education BA (Collège de St. Boniface),MA (Calgary), PhD (Manitoba) Selected publications Books BARBEY D’AUREVILLY ET LE FANTASTIQUE, 1996, Peter Lang Publishing, New-York, 264p. JEUX DE MAINS suivis…