quantum chemistry, quantum biochemistry, quantum theory of atoms in molecules, AIM, QTAIM, electron density, theoretical chemistry, biological chemistry, physical chemistry, teaching
Academics Section
SCHOLARLY AND ACADEMIC SERVICE · Member of the Chemistry Evaluation Group (1504) of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)(2015-2018). (Link) · Consultant for the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Ø Consultant…
TEACHING RateMyProfessor (click here) LIST OF COURSES TAUGHT (See institutions in the table’s footnotes) Code Level Course Title Role Semester Inst. CHEM 6690 Graduate course Directed Study in Chemistry: Advanced Quantum Mechanics Instruct. 2014(W) 2012(F)…
STUDENT SUPERVISION · Lázaro Andrés Monteserín Castanedo (1 July-31 October 2016), Visiting Graduate Student on a Wood-Whelan Research Fellowship Award ($4,900) from the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (on visit from the Dept.…
ORDER: Seminars Conference Presentations Seminars 79 Atlantic Science Tour Seminar: Départment de Chimie, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB (Canada), “L’ ATP synthase : une machine, une enzymes et plus encore. Peut-être bien plus !”, (1…
quantum chemistry, quantum biochemistry, quantum theory of atoms in molecules, AIM, QTAIM, electron density, theoretical chemistry, biological chemistry, physical chemistry, teaching
Webpage has moved to: Business and Tourism Society Our 2022/2023 Executive Team President – Peter Hradisky co-VP Marketing and Communications – Kathryn Francis co-VP Marketing and Communications – Emily Sutherland VP Management – Ella Burns…
The Business and Tourism Society (BTS) at Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) is a student-led organization dedicated to fostering professional development and social and networking opportunities for students enrolled in the business and tourism programs…
Mount Saint Vincent University’s Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management programs present Career Week Expert Panel sessions in Winter 2019.
Mount Saint Vincent University’s Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management programs present Career Week Expert Panel sessions in Fall 2018.