2025-2026 Academic Year Chair Diane Piccitto, BA, Hons (Trent), MA (Western), PhD (Western), Associate Professor English is one of the most interdisciplinary subjects. We investigate a range of current, complex, and often contentious topics, but…
Academics Section
2025-2026 Academic Year Chair Jeffrey MacLeod, BA (CBU), MA (Acadia), PhD (Western), Professor Coordinator James Sawler, BComm, MA, PhD (Dalhousie), Professor Admission Requirements Review sections 2.1.4 Admission Requirements and 2.1.6 Additional Admission Requirements. Students may…
2025-2026 Academic Year Coordinator Randi Warne, BA (Winnipeg), MA, PhD (Toronto), Professor Cultural Studies offers study in the nature and criticism of culture and the arts, chiefly literature, film, visual art and popular culture, in…
2025-2026 Academic Year Chair Tracy Moniz, BA (Hons) (University of Toronto, MA (University of Western Ontario), PhD (York University/Ryerson University), Associate Professor Admission Requirements Review sections 2.1.4 Admission Requirements and 2.1.6 Additional Admission Requirements. Students…
2025-2026 Academic Year Canadian Studies Coordinator Jeffrey MacLeod, BA (CBU), MA (Acadia), PhD (Western), Professor This program is intended for students who wish to increase their knowledge, understanding and critical analysis of Canadian society, culture…
Kyly Whitfield, PhD Associate Professor Evaristus 319 kyly.whitfield@msvu.ca Phone: 902-457-5978 Learn more about Dr. Whitfield’s research at www.mamalab.ca Education PhD, Human Nutrition (2016) Dissertation: Fortified fish sauce: a novel means of improving thiamin status in…
2025-2026 Academic Year Chair Paula Crouse, BSA, BEd (MSVU), MEd (Acadia), Assistant Professor The continuing growth of computer usage in business, industry, and education has expanded the demand for individuals educated in computer information technology.…
2025-2026 Academic Year Acting Chair Bohdan Luhovyy, Professor The Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition (BScAHN) prepares students for a wide choice of careers in nutrition and for the professional practice of dietetics. The…
Chair Tracy Moniz, BA (Hons) (University of Toronto, MA (University of Western Ontario), PhD (York University/Ryerson University), Associate Professor The Master of Public Relations and the Master of Arts in Communication degrees will enable students…
Social, cognitive, and emotional components of learning, decision making, and problem solving processes. Inquiry-oriented instruction. Classroom engagement. Teachers’ assessment strategies and assessment literacy. Teaching and learning evidence-based prac