Part-time Instructor, French Seton 235 C Education : One year of Hotel Management School in Strasbourg, France. BA in Applied Modern Languages (English and German) (Université de Paris X, France) Diplôme de la Chambre de…
Academics Section
Associate Professor BA University of New Brunswick MA Dalhousie University PhD University of New Born on Prince Edward Island, Martha Walls holds a BA and PhD from the University of New Brunswick and an…
Part Time Instructor, Spanish Seton 325 E Education: MEd (Culture and Spanish Language, Salamanca, Spain) Courses taught in recent years: SPAN 1102 – Beginning Spanish II; SPAN 2201 – Intermediate Spanish I; SPAN 2202 –…
Part Time Instructor, French Seton 325 C Education: BA (Limoges, France); MA (Poitiers, France); PhD (Poitiers, France) Courses taught in recent years: FREN 1102 (Basic Practical French II); FREN 2201 (Practical French I); FREN 2202…
Email: PhD, University of Western OntarioMA, University of Western OntarioBA, St. Thomas University Research Interests My research interests are in Canadian literatures and cultures—ecopoetry, environmental literatures, and ecocriticism in particular. My work is also…
Dr. Derek Fisher Professor Office: Evaristus Hall, Room 427 Email (preferred mode of contact): Office Phone: 902.457.5503 Adjunct Appointments Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology, Acadia University* Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University* Adjunct…
Tracy Moniz (Associate Professor) PhD (York University/Toronto Metropolitan University), MA (University of Western Ontario), BA (Hons) (University of Toronto) Tracy Moniz is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Mount Saint Vincent…
Research Projects Care and construction: Assessing differences in nursing home models of care on resident quality of life.2011-2014 Principal Investigators: Dr Janice Keefe, Dr. Kevin Kelloway & Ann McInnis (Principal Knowledge User) Funded by: Canadian…
Research Projects Dr. Janice Keefe is on sabbatical from July 2019 to July 2020. For information on Dr. Keefe’s research activities click here Public and private spending in home care services: The boomer…
Research Projects Dr. Janice Keefe is on sabbatical from July 2019 to July 2020. For information on Dr. Keefe’s research activities click here Home Support Workers: HR strategies to meet future projected chronic care…