Academics Section

Changes to Organization, Governance & Personnel

  Topic Relevant Documents John Kearney Resigned as SRSF Research Coordinator as of Nov. 28, 2000 SRSF Steering Committee Minutes (Nov 28, 2000)regarding resignation by Dr. John Kearney Research Coordinator Workplan Proposal Research Director Memorandum…

Organization, Governance & Personnel

This page contains the SRSF’s core documents describing its governance structure and decision-making processes. Overall Governance Model A Steering Committee provides overall governance. The Steering Committee, chaired by the Project Director, is composed of a…

Partners’ Locations

This project between Saint Francis Xavier University, Native Harvesters and Non-Native Harvesters is based in Nova Scotia, Canada. Gulf Nova Scotia Bonafide Fishermen’s Association – Lakevale Guysborough County Inshore Fishermen’s Association – Canso Paq’tnkek Fish…

Description and Partners

SRSF, this Community-University Research Alliance (CURA), partners Mi’kmaq and non-native fish harvesters organizations with St. Francis Xavier University’s research capacity and know-how as well as with the research and educational expertise affiliated with Interdisciplinary Studies…