Academics Section

Newspaper Articles

Please click on Newspaper Article titles to view. Can Non-Aboriginal Fishers Challenge Feds for “Right to Fish?” – The Atlantic Fisherman – January 2005 Down with the Causeway: Structure Harms Region’s Ecosystem : Anthony Davis,…


Please click on Publication titles to view. Anthony A. Davis Dr,. “‘Where’s the Fisk in the Fiskebollen?’ Community-University Research Alliances – the Case of Social Research for Sustainable Fisheries and empowerment through research”I disiplnenes grensland.…

Changes to Organization, Governance & Personnel

  Topic Relevant Documents John Kearney Resigned as SRSF Research Coordinator as of Nov. 28, 2000 SRSF Steering Committee Minutes (Nov 28, 2000)regarding resignation by Dr. John Kearney Research Coordinator Workplan Proposal Research Director Memorandum…