Academics Section

Organization, Governance & Personnel

This page contains the SRSF’s core documents describing its governance structure and decision-making processes. Overall Governance Model A Steering Committee provides overall governance. The Steering Committee, chaired by the Project Director, is composed of a…

Partners’ Locations

This project between Saint Francis Xavier University, Native Harvesters and Non-Native Harvesters is based in Nova Scotia, Canada. Gulf Nova Scotia Bonafide Fishermen’s Association – Lakevale Guysborough County Inshore Fishermen’s Association – Canso Paq’tnkek Fish…

Description and Partners

SRSF, this Community-University Research Alliance (CURA), partners Mi’kmaq and non-native fish harvesters organizations with St. Francis Xavier University’s research capacity and know-how as well as with the research and educational expertise affiliated with Interdisciplinary Studies…


Please click on the presentation title to view. Seeking Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq Knowledge, Culture and Empowerment. Anthony Davis, L. Jane McMillan, Kerry Prosper: 2010. The following presentations are available upon request. Please contact Dr. Anthony Davis…