Academics Section


Please click on the presentation title to view. Seeking Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq Knowledge, Culture and Empowerment. Anthony Davis, L. Jane McMillan, Kerry Prosper: 2010. The following presentations are available upon request. Please contact Dr. Anthony Davis…


Please click on Publication titles to view. Human rights and neo-liberalism in small-scale fisheries: Conjoined priorities and processes; Kenneth Ruddle and Anthony Davis; Marine Policy, Vol. 39, 2013. Returning to Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq cultural and spiritual…

Organization, Governance & Personnel

This page contains the project’s core documents describing its governance structure and decision-making processes. Overall Governance Model The Research Partnership Agreement (RPA) will be governed by the ‘The Research Committee'(RC). The RC will be composed…

Description & Partners

In collaboration with the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Communities, this program of research investigates Mi’kmaq strategies to implement treaty rights and relations and expand social capital. The analytical focus examines the…