Please click on the presentation title to view. Seeking Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq Knowledge, Culture and Empowerment. Anthony Davis, L. Jane McMillan, Kerry Prosper: 2010. The following presentations are available upon request. Please contact Dr. Anthony Davis…
Academics Section
Please click on Newspaper Article titles to view. Let the Mi’kmaq Manage Resources: Turning over hunting, fishing management to natives would redress wrongs, solve health problems – Chronicle Herald – August 2010 Living Memories of…
Please click on Publication titles to view. Human rights and neo-liberalism in small-scale fisheries: Conjoined priorities and processes; Kenneth Ruddle and Anthony Davis; Marine Policy, Vol. 39, 2013. Returning to Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq cultural and spiritual…
Please click on Final Report title to view. The Paq’tnkek Fish and Wildlife Society (PFWS) The Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaq and Kat American Eel – Anguilla rostrata) – A Preliminary Report of Research Results, Phase I.SRSF Research…
Please click on Fact Sheet titles to view. Highlights of the Marshall Decision Who Benefits From Research?: The Need for Fisheries Research Protocols Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Herring Fishery Kat (American Eel): Life History…
This sector of the website archives copies of all of the preliminary reports and published documents related to this project. Some of the research outcomes accessible here are also available via the Social Research for…
This page contains the project’s core documents describing its governance structure and decision-making processes. Overall Governance Model The Research Partnership Agreement (RPA) will be governed by the ‘The Research Committee'(RC). The RC will be composed…
In collaboration with the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Communities, this program of research investigates Mi’kmaq strategies to implement treaty rights and relations and expand social capital. The analytical focus examines the…
Seeking Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq knowledge, culture, capacity and empowerment
SRSF, this Community-University Research Alliance (CURA), partners Mi’kmaq and non-native fish harvesters organizations with St. Francis Xavier University’s research capacity and know-how as well as with the research and educational expertise affiliated w