Dr. Sara King, RPsychProfessor Office: Seton 473Phone: (902) 457-6552Fax: (902) 457-4911E-mail: Sara.King@msvu.ca Education and Training 2010 Postdoctoral Fellowship (Dalhousie University/IWK Health Centre) 2007 PhD Clinical Psychology (Dalhousie University) 2007 Predoctoral Residency in Clinical Psychology (Holland…
Academics Section
Patricia Williams, PhD Professor, Department of Applied Human Nutrition, and Director, Food Action Research Centre (FoodARC)Senior Research Scholar, Healthy Populations Institute, Dalhousie UniversityCanada Research Chair in Food Security and Policy Chair (2007-2017) FoodARC 47 College…
Adjunct Professor
Department of Applied Human Nutrition
Judy Fraser Arsenault, MAHE, PDt Internship Education Program Coordinator Lab Instructor Evaristus 308 judy.fraser.arsenault@msvu.ca Phone: 902-457-6145 As Internship Education Program Coordinator, I am responsible for the administration of the Internship Education Program. I work…
Dr. Daphne Lordly, DEd., MAHE, PDt ProfessorEvaristus 313daphne.lordly@msvu.caPhone: 902-457-6259Fax: 902-457-6134 Teaching Areas Introduction to the Profession (NUTR 1010) Elements of Professional Practice (NUTR 4444)Nutrition Education (GAHN 6607) Research and Professional Interests I am a…
Gray, L. and Kernaghan, G. 2019. Fungal succession during the decomposition of ectomycorrhizal fine roots. Microbial ecology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-019-01418-3. LeFait, A., Gailey, J. and Kernaghan, G. Fungal species selection during ectomycorrhizal grazing by Collembola. Accepted…
Associate Professor Office: Evaristus 430 Phone: (902) 457-6374 E-Mail: jennifer.mclaren@msvu.ca EducationB.A. (Dalhousie & MSVU)M.A. (Dalhousie)Ph.D. (Dalhousie)Research InterestsMy primary research area is the development of attention. I study both selective attention and sustained attention,…
Professor Emeritus E-Mail: fred.harrington@msvu.caEducationB.A. (Delaware)Ph.D. (State University of New York)Research Interests My research interests lie in the fields of behavioural ecology, ethology, and sociobiology, involving questions on the ecology and evolution of human and animal behaviour. …
Professor & Departmental Chairperson Office: Evaristus 423 Phone: (902) 457-6215 E-Mail: david.furrow@msvu.ca EducationB.Sc. (Dalhousie)M.S. (Yale)M.Phil. (Yale)Ph.D. (Yale)Research Interests Human behaviour can be governed by complex social and moral rules. The goal of my research, being…