Liaison Librarians Please visit the Library Services for Faculty guide for more information. revised December 13, 2021
Academics Section
Please note that Mount Saint Vincent University’s licence with Access Copyright expired on December 31, 2010. Coursepacks will not be created or sold after December 31, 2010. Please visit the Mount Library’s Copyright & Fair…
Class Instruction Library instruction using, either webcasted demonstrations or live online sessions, to introduce research resources that your students may find useful to complete their assignments. The importance of citation and avoiding plagiarism can also…
Honours Program in History Honours Guidelines (PDF) The Honours Program in the Department of History offers students an exciting opportunity to research a topic of their choosing and to produce a substantial piece of academic…
Note: All archived calendars are in PDF. In order to view these documents you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download and install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Limited funding is available for graduate students to supplement thesis research and for conference attendance. Graduate Thesis Funding Graduate students are eligible to claim certain expenses related to their thesis work. The following research related…
Dr. Robert Lanning Part-time Professor Contact Office: Evaristus Hall, Room 447 Phone: (902) 457-6555 : 1037 E-mail: I have taught at MSVU since 1997, most often courses employing sociological analyses in education. Ongoing themes…
Dr. Norman Okihiro Professor Contact Evaristus Hall, Room 451Phone: (902) 457-6236E-mail: Background Dr. Okihiro has a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Arts from the University of Toronto, as well as…
Dr. Sheva Medjuck Professor Emeritus ContactPhone: (902) 457-6317Email: Background I received my PhD from York University in 1978. Since joining Mount Saint Vincent University in 1977, I have served…
Dr. Hazel MacRae Associate Professor Contact Office: Evaristus Hall, Room 439 Phone: (902) 457-6537 Email: hazel.macrae@msvu.caBackgroundBA University of Western OntarioMA Dalhousie UniversityPhD McMaster University Teaching Primary courses taught by Dr. MacRae include Social Issues, Deviance,…