Atlantis, a Women’s Studies Journal / Revue d’etude sur les femmes is one of the few internationally recognized scholarly journals housed at a primarily undergraduate university.
Academics - Womens Studies
There have been 16 previous occupants of the Chair: The Nancy Rowell Jackman Chair in Women’s Studies (Nancy’s Chair) was established at Mount Saint Vincent University in the mid-1980s. Since 1986, 16 occupants have held…
Canada Research Chair / Professor BA (Manitoba), MA (McGill), PhD (Ontario Institute For Studies in Education). Phone: (902) 457-5988 Office: Centre for Applied Research in Human Health2 Melody Drive Rm. 104 (lower level) Dr. Gonick…
Professor BA (Toronto), MA (Sussex), PhD (Dalhousie)Phone: 457-6472Office: McCain Centre @MeredithRalston (Twitter) Dr. Ralston has been a member of the Department of Women’s Studies since 1993 and is cross-appointed with the Department of…
Associate ProfessorB.Sc. (MSVU), M.S., Ph.D. (Penn State) Phone: (902) 457-6559Office: Evaristus Hall Research InterestsCurrently, the focus of my research is on body image, placed in a sociocultural context. In this work I challenge the…
Department of Women’s Studies Faculty Profiles Full-time Faculty Mary Delaney Maya Eichler Marnina Gonick Gayle MacDonald (Professor Emerita – Retired) Maki Motapanyane Meredith Ralston, Chair Ian Liujia Tian Part-time listing Brenda Hattie Nancy’s Chair Mary…
2024-2025 Academic Year WOMS 1110 Focus on Women I 0.5 unit An introduction to Women’s Studies with emphasis on the diversity of women’s lives. Topics will include women’s relations to work, family, health, education, race,…