The Aboriginal Student Centre strives to provide an opportunity to empower, encourage and educate all students of all nations in an environment rooted in indigenous cultures and values. Mount Saint Vincent University ta’n L’nu’k etl mawita’jik aq melkukti
Campus Life Section
2025-26 Fall & Winter Registration Student Registration for the 2025-2026 academic year will open soon. Registration Opening Dates: Tuesday, March 4: The Registrar’s Office will open the course timetable for viewing in myMount only. Tuesday,…
Cybersecurity Websites General Cybersecurity Security Planner by the Citizen Lab FBI Safe Online Surfing Website (for Kids) Safety Canada Get Cyber Safe Website Stay Safe Online Website Stop Think Connect Website Phishing Information Google Phishing…
OUCH! Newsletter OUCH! is a monthly security awareness newsletter produced and published by the SANS Security Awareness team, instructors and community members. 2020 Issues February 2020: Social Media Privacy January 2020: Digital Inheritance 2019 Issues…
Information Security Awareness Posters 2021 Posters Beware of Phishing 2019 Posters Job Scam Awareness Poster 2018 Cyber Security Awareness Month Posters Social Media Safety Tips Poster Phishing Awareness Poster Password Sharing Poster Password Strength Poster…
Other Resources On Information Security.
Antivirus and Malware Protection Virus and Malware Protection on Mount Computers IT&S installs and manages antivirus software on University servers and workstations. Antivirus for Personal Devices and Home Computers For students, faculty, and staff who…
IT Security Resources Everyone shares in the responsibility of creating a safe and secure IT environment. Be aware of the various IT security threats and the importance of keeping your personal and work related University…
Ending sexual violence, and making this world a better place for those who have survived sexual violence, is a collective effort. This training is designed to help you learn more about sexual violence and how…
At Mount Saint Vincent University, all staff members at our Child Study Centre are highly qualified. Each member also attends for professional development on a regular basis to maintain classification.