IT&S Help Desk The IT&S Help Desk is the primary point of contact for IT service and support at MSVU. Help Desk staff are available to provide support via phone, email and walk-in during posted…
Campus Life Section
SOMETHING WENT WRONG! YOUR TRANSACTION HAS BEEN CANCELLED. With the purchase of a Trip of the Month Lottery ticket(s), you are helping to provide student athletes with the support they need to succeed both on…
PRIVACY Get the Monthly Winners Announcement directly in your email! Click here to be added If you have purchased a lotto ticket, you should be receiving emails from us twice per month. If you…
ORDER TICKETS PRIZES RULES PRIVACY WINNERS Sign up to receive email lottery updates, winner announcements, future lotteries, etc Email: Click here to view our privacy policy
Mount Saint Vincent University’s athletics program is committed to offering student-athletes a positive competitive experience that fosters a love of the game and encourages all players to contribute to their community. Part of the Mount…
THANK YOU for ordering your Mount Mystics Trip of the Month Lottery Ticket. With the purchase of a Trip of the Month Lottery ticket(s), you are helping to provide student athletes with the support…
A Message from the Residence Life Team MSVU has an established welcoming and vibrant Residence Life community. We offer three options for our students to choose from so that each student has the opportunity…
MSVU offers three furnished Residence buildings on campus for all students: Assisi Hall, The Birches, and Westwood. Apart from the convenience of living close to classes, labs, the cafeteria, library, gym and more, students…