Contact Us Phone: (902) 457-6546 E-mail: Care and Construction Project Nova Scotia Centre on Aging Mount Saint Vincent University 166 Bedford Highway Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 2J6 Media & Promotion Media requests – please…
Research Section
Our Thanks We would like to thank our funders, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation. We would also like to thank the many individuals and organizations who have supported…
Results & Dissemination Project materials, reports, presentations, manuscripts and student projects with results from the project are listed below. The project has a large amount of data available for research purposes. Students and researchers who…
Project Team The Research Team Front from Left: Pamela Fancey, Janice Keefe, Arlene Morrison, Marian Casey, Sherry Keen, Debra Boudreau, Sacha Nadeau, Stephanie Chamberlain, Lloyd Brown, Margaret McKeeBack from Left: Chris LaBreche, Judith Godin, John…
A Visual Identity with Meaning On March 6, 2013, while the Institute hosted Girls 2013, the Mount announced the renaming of the Institute. The idea of developing a visual identify for the Institute for…
interdisciplinary conference
Atlantis – the Women’s Studies Journal/Revue d’etudes sur les femmes: Read the Journal hosted via MSVU About the Journal History Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice/Études critiques sur le genre, la culture,…
Care and Construction Project (Project funded from April 2011- March 2015) Prompted by changes in Nova Scotia’s long-term care sector, a team of researchers and sector representatives came together to develop a research project to…
MSVU holds one of five NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering in Canada. The Chair’s program provides opportunities for i) girls to engage with relevant role models and have hands-on Science experiences, and…