Research Section

Early Learning and Child Care for Newcomer Families and Children

Mobilizing Innovative Models in Early Childhood Education and Care for Newcomer Families and Children: A Pan-Canadian Environmental Scan High-quality early learning and child care programs are positioned to support newcomer family settlement, reduce socio-economic inequities,…

Soutenir la numératie et la littératie dans les programmes d’apprentissage précoce basés sur le jeu

Soutenir la numératie et la littératie dans les programmes d’apprentissage précoce basés sur le jeu  Contexte  Cette étude a examiné comment le fait d’offrir un environnement ludique qui est riche en numératie et en littératie…

Supporting Numeracy and Literacy in Play-Based Early Learning Programs

Supporting Numeracy and Literacy in Play-Based Early Learning Programs Project Background The purpose of this research study was to explore how a meaningful and functional numeracy and literacy-rich play-based environment helps to build positive attitudes…