The MSVU Black and Indigenous Speaker Series highlights the scholarly work of Black and Indigenous scholars from across Turtle Island. The purpose of this series is to initiate important conversation by inviting Black and Indigenous scholars to share their knowledge, worldviews, and their contributions to their respective academic field.

The MSVU Black and Indigenous Speaker Series is pleased to present Theresa Meuse’s talk on Culture 101 at Mount Saint Vincent University.

To RSVP for Theresa’s talk, you can scan the QR code in the image that will take you to the form, or by clicking this link to Theresa Meuse: Culture 101 Speaker presentation RSVP form.

Please join us in-person in McCain 302 or we can send you a link to watch virtually!

Please see below for further information about our MSVU Special Advisor on Indigenous Affairs, Theresa Meuse:

Theresa was raised in L’sitkuk (Bear River) First Nation, a Mi’kmaw community where she would later have the privilege of serving for two years as Chief. She has been employed with several Mi’kmaq organizations including, the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, The Atlantic Policy Congress, and the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre. Theresa has spent many years working as an Indigenous educator and advisor, and continues to be a “Knowledge Sharer.” She presently operates an online craft business called “Mi’kma’ki Craft Supplies” and is the author of four published children’s books. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dalhousie University.

MSVU is located in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded and ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.



On behalf of the MSVU Black and Indigenous Speaker Series, the Alexa McDonough Institute for Women, Gender, and Social Justice (AMI), in partnership with the Nancy’s Chair and MSVU Library, we would like to thank everyone who has attended Dr. Afua Cooper’s talk about Black Women and Cultural Production: The Case of Concert Singer Portia White.

Your feedback is important to us, it allows us to improve on these events to offer the best experience that we can. When you have a chance, please submit your responses in the Dr. Afua Cooper’s Speaker Presentation Feedback Form.
