Research Support Fund

UPDATED May 22nd, 2024

The Research Support Fund (formerly known as the Indirect Costs of Research program) was introduced in 2003 as part of the federal government’s strategy to make Canada one of the world’s top countries in research and development. The Fund helps Canadian post-secondary institutions with expenses associated with managing research funded by the three federal funding agencies: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). It reinforces the federal government research investment by helping institutions ensure that their federally funded research projects are conducted in high-quality facilities with the best equipment and administrative support available. The Fund has a budget of over $360 million and serves more than 100 post-secondary institutions across the country.

Definition of Indirect Costs

There are a number of centralized institutional activities and services that support the research mandate of the University. These vary in scope and size but are critical to our success. Institutional activities and support services include the following areas:

  • Library: operations and information acquisitions and resources;
  • Research Administration: Research Office services including research ethicsanimal care, grants and contracts administration and legislated requirements for reporting on grants and activities, communications, and the Industry Liaison Office (ILO); 
  • Research Support Services: a wide range of services, including research accounting, occupational health, and lab safety.

Each of these activities are vital to the overall effectiveness of the institution.

Each year the Mount receives a grant through the Research Support Fund to help pay for a portion of the central and departmental administrative costs related to federally funded research. For 2023-2024, based on a formula calculated on the percentage of federal research funding awarded, the Mount was allocated $669,718. These funds were used as follows:

Research Resources: $368,718
This funding is used for library acquisitions to support our students and faculty in conducting their research.

Management and Administration: $270,000
There are significant staffing resources that go into the management and administration of research projects. The following examples demonstrate some of the areas and offices involved:

  • The Mount’s Research Office, led by the Associate Vice-President, Research, handles oversight and development of research initiatives including applying for grants, and communication of the research objectives and outcomes for the Mount and research ethics.
  • Financial Services, which handles equipment procurement, materials and supplies for research, grant accounting and report submission, payroll services, and payment of research expenditures.
  • Human Resources, which handles any search processes and hiring of employees for grant initiatives.

Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation: $15,000
Research Support Funding is used to support a portion of the expenditures related to the process of Research Ethics approval and oversight as well as the Canadian Council on Animal Care.

Intellectual Property: $16,000
The Mount shares the cost of a position for an Industrial Liaison Officer with several other universities.

For Historical RSF Reports see below:








2024-2025 Proposed RSF Allocation

For 2023-2024, the Mount proposes to use its allocated funds of $754,998 as follows:

  • Research Resources (60%): $453,998
  • Management and Administration (36%): $270,000
  • Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation (2%): $15,000
  • Intellectual Property (2%): $16,00

This is an image of a pie chart that shows the breakdown in percentages of the RSF allocation for 2024-2025 as outlined in the previous paragraph


RSF Communication Plan

The MSVU Research Office has developed a Communications Plan (updated May 2024) specifically for the RSF. Through its communications efforts, MSVU will help bring awareness to the value and impact of the RSF in the MSVU research community and the Canadian research environment, as well as ensuring accountability to stakeholders.

RSF Performance Objectives and Outcomes

Current Year:

2024-2025 Performance Objectives and Outcomes – Updated May 2024

Previous Years:

2023-2024 Performance Objectives and Outcomes– Updated May 2024

2022-2023 Performance Objectives and Outcomes  – Updated May 2023

2021-2022 Performance Objectives and Outcomes – Updated May 2022


For more information on the Research Support Fund, please click here.