Our Research Team

Dr. Jessie-Lee McIsaac, Associate Professor and Tier II Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood: Diversity and Transitions, is the Principal Investigator and Director of ECCRC.

Our multidisciplinary research staff consists of professionals and students from diverse disciplines at the undergraduate and graduate levels. We support capacity building and skills development through intentional goal-setting and teamwork.

Dr. Jessie-Lee McIsaac leaned up against a stone wall smiling at the camera.

Dr. Jessie-Lee McIsaac (she/her)

Associate Professor and Tier II Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood: Diversity and Transitions with the Faculty of Education and Department of Child and Youth Study

Email: jessie-lee.mcisaac@msvu.ca

Jessie-Lee McIsaac holds a Ph.D. in Public Health, an MSc in Health Promotion from the University of Alberta, and a BSc in Kinesiology from Dalhousie University. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship on policy interventions and knowledge mobilization with the Healthy Populations Institute (Dalhousie University) and Propel Centre for Population Health Impact (University of Waterloo).

The goal of her program of research is to enhance well-being during early childhood by ensuring policy and practice support families as they transition across early learning environments. McIsaac studies early childhood and educational policy initiatives using an engaged scholarship approach to co-produce research that mobilizes knowledge and experiences for and with marginalized families. She collaborates with researchers, community, policymakers and research participants to inform policy and program design and decision-making.

Fun stuff:

When not doing research in early childhood, she is doing the practice of early childhood with her sons, Michael and Henry.

Alt= a person smiling at the camera and the camera frame shows the knees up. They are wearing a light blue button up shirt and light blue jeans. They have black hair that is in a low ponytail. They are leaning against a short wall, in the background you can see a canal with a boat.

Nahal Fakhari (she/her), PhD student

Research Coordinator, Mobilizing Innovative Models in Early Childhood Education and Care for Newcomer Families and Children: A Pan-Canadian Environmental Scan

Email: nahal.fakhari@msvu.ca

Nahal is originally from Iran and moved with her family 11 years ago to Halifax. She graduated from the Mount in 2020 with her honours in the BA Child and Youth Study program. Her honours thesis was about exploring e-health behaviour among Child and Youth Study students. Nahal also completed her MA in Health Promotion at Dalhousie IN 2022. Her Master’s thesis was titled “Child Immigrant Post-Migration Mental Health: A Qualitative Inquiry into Caregivers’ Perspectives.” Nahal just completed her first year of PhD in the Interdisciplinary program at Dal.

Nahal’s research has been focused on newcomer families and children’s wellbeing. Nahal has been coordinating a number of projects at ECCRC such as the Looking Through the Lens of Newcomer Families Photo Exhibit. Currently, she is working on a scoping review to better understand newcomer educators’ experiences in Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

Fun Stuff:

In her spare time, Nahal enjoys travelling with her partner, swimming, doing yoga, hiking, reading books, watching movies, and spending time with family and friends.

Randi Cummings (she/her), BA CYS, BA PSYC

Research Coordinator, Supporting Numeracy and Literacy in Play-Based Early Learning Programs

Email: randi.cummings@msvu.ca

Randi began her journey at MSVU in 2015 when she enrolled in the BA in Child and Youth Study. After graduating she worked as an Early Childhood Educator for some time before returning to MSVU to complete her BA in Psychology. Since graduating, Randi has enjoyed having the opportunity to continue to work with and learn from her colleagues at the ECCRC.

While Randi’s primary role at the ECCRC is Research Coordinator for the Numeracy and Literacy Project, she also works on the Pyramid Model Evaluation.

Fun Stuff:

Growing up in a small fishing town has led Randi to love the ocean, and in her free time, she goes home as often as she can to enjoy the beautiful beaches and her family. You can always find her with a good book!

Alt= a person smiling at the camera and the camera frame shows shoulders up. They are wearing a red t-shirt and their hair is shoulder-length and brunette.

Robyn Ashley (she/her), MA CYS, PhD Student

Research Coordinator, Outdoor Play projects, Pyramid Model Evaluation

Email: robyn.ashley@msvu.ca

Robyn is a PhD student in Educational Studies at Mount Saint Vincenty University (MSVU). Robyn holds an MA in Child and Youth Study from MSVU and a BA in Psychology from St. Thomas University. Her research interests broadly include outdoor and nature-based play pedagogies and perspectives of child-nature relationships.

Robyn coordinates the Outdoor Play projects exploring perspectives and experiences of outdoor and nature play in early learning and child care settings. She also works on the Pyramid Model Evaluation project and supports the Quality Matters Redesign Pilot project.

Fun Stuff: 

In her spare time Robyn enjoys camping, hiking, cross country skiing, gardening, and working through her long list of ‘To Be Read’ books.

Alt= a person smiling at the camera and the camera frame is chest up. They are wearing a black t-shirt with many small white spots on it. Their hair is mid-length and blonde. They wear glasses.

Sarah Caldwell (she/her), MSc

Research Manager, and Research Coordinator CELEBRATE Feeding project

Email: Sarah.Caldwell@msvu.ca

Sarah has an MSc in Nutrition and Behaviour from Bournemouth University (UK), and a BSc in Psychology from Cardiff University (UK). Sarah works at the ECCRC as the Research Manager where she assists with the personnel and financial aspects of the projects, and as the Research Coordinator for the CELEBRATE Feeding project. Sarah has always been keen to promote good health and wellbeing, and has been involved in well-being workshops, volunteered at a soup kitchen, and has been a first aider for St. John ambulance. Her interest in research specific to early childhood sparked from her work as a child and youth care worker, where she saw firsthand the impact that early childhood experiences have on future health and well-being.

Fun Stuff:

Originally from the UK, Sarah moved to Canada in 2016. In her free time, she loves exploring new places, baking, travelling, and going on walks with her husband and their puppy, Riley!

Alt= a selfie of a person smiling and the frame is shoulders up. They are wearing a white blouse and a pale pink blazer. Their hair is mid-length and brunette.

Julie Campbell (she/her), MSc, PhD Student

Data Analyst, CELEBRATE Feeding Project

Email: Julie.Campbell7@msvu.ca 

Julie is a PhD student in the Faculty of Health at Dalhousie University, studying outdoor learning and play with school-aged children. Before starting her PhD at Dalhousie, she completed a BSc (Hons) in Kinesiology with a minor in Nutrition at the University of Prince Edward Island and an MSc in Kinesiology (Physical Activity Epidemiology) at Queen’s University. Through her research and work, she is passionate about promoting healthy lifelong habits for children through supportive environments, whether for nutrition or movement behaviours.

Fun Stuff:

In her spare time, Julie loves to play recreation sports, cook, spend time outdoors, and hang out with friends and family.

Kiara Sexton, BA Sociology

Research Assistant, Exploring the application of Africentric principles and pedagogy to the realities of early childhood practice

My name is Kiara Sexton and I’m an Acadia alumni with a BA in Sociology. As an African Nova Scotian, I’m interested in the research surrounding cultural principles and pedagogies being applied in early childhood practices. Access to connect with culture is something that is important to me. Prior to this position, I worked with high school students (grades 9-12) as a support worker.

Fun: yoga is a passion of mine. I sometimes teach community classes and I volunteer at my local studio. I also enjoy reading and Beyoncé.

Alt= a person leaned up against a stone wall smiling at the camera. They are wearing a pink blouse and dark blue jeans. Their hair is mid-length and black

Milena Pimentel (she/her), BA CYS

Research Assistant, IURN-Play Research Project and Pyramid Model

Email: milena.pimentel@msvu.ca

Milena is currently enrolled in the (BA) Child and Youth Study program at MSVU and has worked at the Child Study Centre since the summer of 2018. She loves to work with children of all ages but has found that she thrives in infant/toddler spaces. Milena’s interests lie around the social-emotional wellbeing of children and ECEs and in cultural diversity within early learning settings. Her goal is to complete an honours thesis that would allow her to explore her interests in a little more depth. Milena was born and raised in Bermuda and of Brazilian ethnicity. As a child, she visited Brazil every summer and lived there as a teenager for 5 years. She loves the rich culture and diversity within Brazil and the FOOD!

Milena works primarily on the IURN-Play Research Project and the Pyramid Model Evaluation, but she has assisted with almost every project at the ECCRC in some capacity.

Fun Stuff:

Her hobbies are whatever her kids are into! They love the water, and are still discovering Nova Scotia and have found some pretty awesome spots, the water is a tad too cold though! They love summers here in Halifax and all the fun events that happen such as Busker Festival, Rib fest (yes they are Foodies!) and they love Canada day celebrations. Strawberry picking and blueberry picking has quickly become a tradition, and they love apple and pumpkin picking in the fall!

Jeannie Larson

Dr. Elizabeth Jean Larson (Jeannie), (she/her)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Atlantic Connections and Pyramid Model Evaluation Projects

Email: elizabethjean.larson@msvu.ca

Jeannie recently received her PhD from OISE/U of T. In her dissertation work, she utilized a novel theoretical framework blending Complexity Theory and Test Validation to explore the validity of a test of teacher candidate competency in supporting multilingual learners in Ontario schools. One of the main goals of her dissertation is to provide comprehensible, meaningful data about teacher candidates to those who shape curriculum and policy within the program. Jeannie brings to the ECCRC her 8 years of mixed-methods research experience in early childhood education, language and literacy education, and social work. Before her time as a researcher, she taught English as a Foreign Language in Tokyo, Japan and Hamburg, Germany.

Fun Stuff:

Jeannie is an avid baker and loves finding any possible reason to provide folks with baked goods. She travels whenever/wherever she can. Her 4-year-old twins also keep her quite busy.

Alt= a person smiling at the camera and the camera frame shows the shoulders up. They are wearing a black tank-top and have shoulder-length blonde hair.

Dr. Christine McLean (she/her)

Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Child and Youth Study at MSVU

Email: christine.mclean@msvu.ca

Christine received her PhD in Applied Psychology and Human Development from OISE, University of Toronto. She has a M. Ed in Early Childhood Education from the University of Cincinnati, a B.Ed from Acadia University, and a Bachelor of Child Study from Mount Saint Vincent University. Christine has been involved in the field of early childhood education in a variety of capacities since 1988 with most of that time being spent in St. John’s, N.L. In 2016, she moved from St. John’s to Halifax to join the Child and Youth Study faculty at MSVU where she continues her involvement in the ECE sector through her teaching, her research, and her work with provincial and national early learning and child care organizations. Christine’s research areas include reflective practice in early learning settings, play-based learning, pedagogical documentation, and the application and interpretation of jurisdictional early learning frameworks.

Fun Stuff:

In her spare time, Christine enjoys completing her required book club readings, playing with water colour and acrylic paints, going on walks with her husband and their dogs, attempting to play golf, battling with goutweed in the garden, and chatting/texting with her two grown up kids.

Alt= a person with glasses smiling at the camera and the camera frame shows the shoulders up. They are wearing a white top with a green blazer and have shoulder-length black hair.

Janice Osei-Essah (she/her), MA

Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator, Connections 2023

Email: Janice.Osei-Essah@msvu.ca

Janice is a passionate communications practitioner with an MA in Communication studies and a BA in History and Theatre Arts from the University of Ghana, in Ghana West Africa. She is currently enrolled in the MA communication program at the mount to hone her research skills and master her craft in the field of academia.

Janice is excited to join the ECCRC as a Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator. She believes in the power of advocacy and development communication to advance society. She especially loves organizing events and also bringing ideas to life. Janice will be assisting on the Connections 2023 project. Watching her two curious toddlers grow and helping them understand their surroundings has piqued her passion for research in the Early Childhood Space, especially in guiding early childhood development.

Fun Stuff:

Janice loves music, dancing and exploring new sites with her family. Her serene space is the beach on a very sunny day! Emphasis on “very” because she is from a tropical climate, Ghana.

Hannah Cosman (she/her), BSc

Research Assistant

Email: hannah.cosman@msvu.ca

Hannah is a research assistant working on the Pyramid Model Evaluation analyzing data. She has been working at the ECCRC since April 2023. Hannah has a Bachelor of Science with a double major in biology and psychology from Dalhousie University.

Hannah enjoys hanging out with her cat when she’s not at work.

Abigail Patey, BA (Hons) CYS

Research Assistant

Abigail Patey is a research assistant currently working on the Development of a Quality Assurance and Improvement System for the Nova Scotia project. Abigail has a BA (Hons) in Child and Youth Study with a minor in psychology.  Abigail is passionate about promoting high-quality spaces in early child care settings whether through research or on-the-floor practices.

Fun Stuff:

Abigail enjoys hikes, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

Join Our Team!

Check out our current employment opportunities

Elizabeth Dickson, MHSc, RD, Early Years Nutrition Coach – CELEBRATE Feeding research project

Dr. Joan Turner, Professor Emeritus (Retired / Part-time Faculty)

Sarah Perry, Research Assistant

Marlene Flores Ramos, Research Projects Manager

Laken Crowell, Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator

Taylor Hill, Graduate Research Assistant

Dina Mohamed, Research Assistant

Emma Coughlan, Research Assistant

Nicholas Hickens, Research Assistant

Emma Cameron, Research Coordinator

Minakshi Gonzalez Cerdeira, Graduate Student

Marla Smith, Research Coordinator

Madison MacQuarrie, Project Coordinator

Stephanie Geldart, Project Coordinator

Jane Harley, Research Projects Evaluator

Dr. De-Lawrence Lamptey, Postdoctoral Fellow

Sarah Morris, Project Coordinator

Oriana Mooney, Research Assistant

Brenna Richard, Project Coordinator

Leah Crowell, Project Coordinator

Samantha Rioux, Graduate Research Assistant

Chris Mitchell, Communications Assistant

Brittney Roughan, Research Grants Manager

Patrick Carolan, Research Project Manager

Sandeep Dhillon, Graduate Research Assistant

Sherry Stevenson, Evaluations Coordinator

Odeisa Stewart, Graduate Research Assistant

Alison Brown, Project Coordinator

Denver Hilland, Project Coordinator

Heather Podanovitch, Research Assistant, CELEBRATE Feeding project and Supporting Numeracy and Literacy in Play-Based Early Learning Programs

Olga Levin, Data Analyst, CELEBRATE Feeding project

Jordyn Riou, Research Assistant

Emilee Facklemann, Research Assistant

Cheryl Crocker, Research Assistant