
Check out some of the research conducted at the ECCRC through these easy-to-read, visual infographics:

Positive Solutions for Families: Promoting Positive Parent Behaviours to Support Social-Emotional Health

Positive Solutions for Families Phase 2 Results, 2022.

-Positive Solutions for Families (PSF) involves a series of six workshops that provide parenting strategies that help build families’ confidence and ability to support their young children’s social, emotional, and behavioural development. Phase 2 of the project was implemented in the fall of 2021. This infographic outlines the results of Phase 2.

Positive Solutions for Families Interview Results, 2020.

– Results represent the experiences of families and facilitators who participated in a series of in-person and/or online (due to COVID-19) workshops for families. The workshops were designed to help parents learn new skills and strategies to support the social and emotional health of their young children.

Supporting Numeracy and Literacy in Play-Based Early Learning Programs

Numeracy and Literacy – It’s Everywhere!, 2022

  • a short description of how numeracy and literacy can be seen in play-based early learning environments with tips for caregivers to support this type of play at home.

Numératie et la littératie- c’est partout!, 2022

Alt= an adult sitting on the ground with three toddlers. One toddler is on the adult's lap holding a block. One is sitting to the left of the adult with two blocks and one is sitting to the right of the adults looking at the toddler on the left. The adult is smiling down at the toddler on the left.

Early Childhood Publicly-Funded Programs

A Scoping Review of Quality in Early Childhood Publicly-Funded Programs, 2022

Alt= a toddler putting a handful of spaghetti in their mouth

Responsive Feeding Values and Practices Among Families

Responsive Feeding Values and Practices Among Families Across the Canadian Maritime Provinces, 2022

– 1039 families completed a survey about responsive feeding/healthy eating values and practices at home.

Alt= an adult kneeled down putting a medical face mask on a child

How is the Pandemic Influencing the Lives of Maritime Families with Young Children

Relationship between Childhood Disability or Developmental Delay and COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Families across the Canadian Maritime Provinces, 2024

-This study explored how the pandemic and related restrictions impacted children with developmental delays and their families.

Shifting play experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family responses to pandemic restrictions, 2023

-This study describes how families responded to the public health restrictions throughout the pandemic and the impact on children’s play.

Relative Importance of Well-Being Determinants in Atlantic Canadian Families During the Pandemic, 2023

– This study used multiple linear regression and measures of relative importance effect sizes  to assess which factors are most important for positive change in children, in parents, and in the family during the pandemic.

Early pandemic impacts on family environments that shape childhood development and health: A Canadian Study, 2022

– This study looked at how changes to employment and income influenced Family access to resources and social support, parenting Abilities and self-care at home, and home Routines and Environments through a FARE Change Scale.

COVID-19 Maritime Family Survey Preliminary Results, 2020

– Results from an online survey completed by Maritime Families near the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic to understand how it was influencing the lives of Maritime Families with young children, including their routines and needed supports.

COVID-19 Maritime Family Interviews Preliminary Results, 2020/2021

– Results from interviews completed with the same Maritime Families as above to understand how the COVID-19 global pandemic has continued to influence the lives of Maritime Families over time as they adjust to changed routines and adapt the changing realities.

COVID-19 Maritime Family Survey 2 Preliminary Results, 2020, Mar/Apr

– Results from a second online survey completed by Atlantic Canadian families to understand how the COVID-19 global pandemic has influenced the lives of families with young children almost one year in.

Alt= an adult sitting on the floor with three children sitting around the adult. The adult is reaching her hands out to one of them

Building the Capacity of Early Childhood Educators to Support the Social-Emotional Development of Children and their Families: Evaluating the Implementation of the Pyramid Model in Nova Scotia

An Introduction to the Pyramid Model, 2021, June.

– What is the Pyramid Model? What are the benefits of Pyramid Model practices? Pyramid Model implementation in Nova Scotia.

Une introduction de le modèle de la pyramide, 2021, June.

-Qu’est-ce que le modèle de la pyramide? Quels sont les bienfaits des pratiques du modèle de la pyramide? La mise en œuvre du modèle de la pyramide en Nouvelle-Écosse.


Nova Scotia Early Childhood Professional Well-being Survey

An online survey to explore the professional well-being of early childhood professionals in Nova Scotia was distributed in November 2022. The preliminary results are available.

Nova Scotia Early Childhood Professional Well-being Survey Preliminary Results (Public), 2023.


New infographics for the 2021 Executive Summary reports are available.

Nova Scotia Pyramid Model Executive Summary, 2021.

Modèle de la pyramide en Nouvelle-Écosse Résumé, 2021.


Nova Scotia Pyramid Model Executive Summary – general public, 2020.

Modèle de la pyramid en Nouvelle-Écosse – public général, 2020.

Nova Scotia Pyramid Model Executive Summary – stakeholders, 2020.

Modèle de la pyramide en Nouvelle-Écosse Résumé – les parties prenantes, 2020.

Alt= a child laying on their stomach smiling surrounded by various coloured blocks

Families’ Experiences of a Universal Play-Based Early Childhood Program in Nova Scotia

Families’ Experiences of a Universal Play-based Early Childhood Program in Nova Scotia: Implications for Policy and Practice, 2020.

– Results represent the experiences of parents/guardians who completed a survey about Nova Scotia’s Pre-primary Program in the 2017-2018 school year which included: how the program supported them and their children, the challenges and barriers to accessing the program, and their perceptions of the staff and curriculum.

Alt= an adult and three children sitting on a playmat that is covered in various coloured blocks. The adult and one of the children are looking down at the blocks in front of them. Another child is looking at the block they are holding in their hand. The third child is looking at their arm

Addressing the Achievement Gap Through Pre-primary 

Addressing the Achievement Gap Through Pre-primary: Exploring Future Workforce Expectations to Support Future Implementation, 2019.

– Results reflect a survey that examined how the introduction of the Pre-primary program was influencing future Early Childhood Educators in terms of their perceptions of changes in workforce opportunities and their expectations about future employment.

Alt= two children eating food out of plastic container. One child is smiling at the camera with an orange food in their hand. The other child is smiling at the first child mentioned and this child has a sandwich with a big bite taken out of it in their hand

Establishing a Current State of Healthy Eating Practices Across Early Learning Environments

Exploring Healthy Eating Practices in Universal Play-based Early Childhood Programs in Nova Scotia, Canada, 2019.

– Results reflect four case study sites with the objective to understand healthy eating practices in the Pre-primary Program.

Alt= five people leaned over a long rectangular table all looking down at strips of paper spread out over the table.

Building Policy-relevant Research to Support Child Well-being in Nova Scotia

Building Policy-relevant Research to Support Child Well-being in Nova Scotia, 2019.