2017 Recipient of The Global Ageing Network for Excellence in Applied Research Award

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NSCA Fall Newsletter 2024


OUR FUTURE IS AGING CONFERENCE JUNE 3-4: Our Future is Aging Conference will be held at Mount Saint Vincent University June 3-4, 2025. Call for Abstracts is completed. Thank you to those of you who submitted an abstract. In addition to Dr. Anne Martin-Matthews as our key note speaker on Day 1 we are pleased to announce Dr. Charlene Chu as our Day 2 speaker on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and Aging. You also won’t want to miss our top notch group of panelists talking about current research networks and initiatives that have a focus on aging.  REGISTRATION NOW OPEN – early bird rates until April 15. We look forward to see you in June! To register go to http://ourfutureisaging.ca

FREE PUBLIC EVENT –  A Fireside Chat… Aging Is Our Future: Navigating the Next 50 Years. Monday, June 2, 2025, 6:30-8:30 pm. In Person: Multi-Purpose Room, 3rd Floor, Student Rosaria Centre, Mount Saint Vincent University. Online: Nova Scotia Centre on Aging Facebook Join us for a thought-provoking discussion about the realities facing today’s and tomorrow’s generation of older adults – the fact that we are living longer.

DR. KEEFE NAMED GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA FELLOW:  The Gerontological Society of America has named Dr. Janice Keefe as one of its newest fellows under the Social Research, Policy and Practice Section. She received the award recently in Seattle, Washington. (Pictured left; Dr. Keefe, right; Dr. Howard Degenholtz). Congratulations Dr. Keefe! More at: https://www.geron.org/News-Events/GSA-News/Press-Room/Press-Releases/gerontological-society-of-america-selects-2024-fellows




ARCLTC PROJECT SEEKING APPLICATIONS FOR POSTDOC POSITIONS:  Understanding and Supporting Quality of Work Life in Long-term Care (LTC) is CIHR-funded research examining Atlantic Canadian LTC Staff Quality of Work Life. The project is seeking applications for 2 – 3 postdoctoral positions available during 2024-2027. Click here for more details.

SCHOLARSHIPS AND ASSISTANTSHIPS AVAILABLE: Full time students pursuing a thesis-based graduate degree in the Mount’s Family Studies and Gerontology or Applied Human Nutrition with a research focus in an area related to long-term care are encouraged to apply for scholarships and assistantship opportunities (up to $10,000 per year) made possible by the Shannex-MSVU Partnership. LINK to the Media page announcement. More: https://www.msvu.ca/shannex-donates-500000-to-msvu-for-healthy-aging-research-innovation/#HealthyAgingNow

RESEARCH ON STAFF QUALITY OF WORK LIFE IN LONG-TERM CARE WRAPS UP SURVEY: The team is pleased to share that more than 2000 staff in 53 care homes in Atlantic Canada completed the survey. Stay up to date on the project activities at www.arcltc.ca

HOME CARE PATHWAYS TEAM SHARING RESULTS: The Pathways team is sharing results to various audiences and working on a number of manuscripts. Stay up to date with news at  www.homecarepathways.ca

TRAINING OPPORTUNITY IN DATA ANALYTICS: MSVU is one of several partners of the CAnD3 initiative, an innovative training program in Population Analytics in an Aging Society to equip the next generation of academic and applied population researchers with the knowledge, skills, and networks to support data-driven decision-making in aging societies. Contact nsca@msvu.ca for more information on training opportunities and possible funding through our site. For more information on the CAnD3 initiative go to https://www.mcgill.ca/cand3/