Atlantic Research Collaboration on Long-Term Care (ARC LTC)



ARC LTC is a program of research comprised of researchers, trainees, and sector collaborators studying the Atlantic Canadian long-term care (LTC) sector with the aims of:

1. Improving quality of work life for Atlantic Canadian LTC staff.

2. Improving LTC resident outcomes in Atlantic Canada.

3. Building research capacity in the Atlantic Canadian LTC sector.



Long-term care (LTC) is an essential component of the health system, yet often undervalued. Before the pandemic, concerns existed about care staff’s high risk of burnout, poor physical and mental health and low job satisfaction. The pandemic placed additional stress on this workforce, leading to serious staff shortages and increasing concerns about LTC staff and resident health and well-being.

There is limited data available to understand the quality of work life for LTC staff in Atlantic Canada or what can be done to support staff and resident quality of care. Our studies seek to provide evidence essential for the LTC sector to identify quality improvement initiatives and target resources to enhance staff and resident outcomes. For more information on ARC LTC please email or call 902-457-6235.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows

The ARC LTC team is recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows who are interested in supporting our research and scholarly activities for the LTC QWL in Atlantic Canada (QWL-AC) project. Please see the posting here and contact for more information.

Calling all Graduate Students

If you are a graduate student, or know a graduate student, who is interested in working with ARC LTC data for their thesis or trainee project please reach out to with your proposed research question and project timeline.


Long-Term Care Staff Quality of Work Life in Atlantic Canada (QWL-AC)

A cross-sectional survey of long-term care staff in 53 randomized Atlantic Canadian care homes conducted in 2023/2024 and capturing staff perspectives on their well-being, work life and work environment.

Project website: QWL-AC

Long-Term Care Staff Quality of Work Life in Nova Scotia (QWL-NS)

A longitudinal, cross-sectional survey of long-term care staff from a convenience sample of Nova Scotia LTC homes. This research includes two waves of data collection, the first wave (W1) conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021/2022) with staff from 10 care homes. The second wave (W2) was conducted in 2023/2024 with staff from seven of the original care homes who agreed to follow-up surveys.

Project website: QWL-NS

Research Team

Dr. Janice Keefe, Mount Saint Vincent University








Dr. Rick Audas, Memorial University of Newfoundland




Dr. Carole Estabrooks, University of Alberta





Dr. Rose McCloskey, University of New Brunswick





Dr. Gail Tomblin-Murphy, Nova Scotia Health






Dr. Marilyn Hodgins, University of New Brunswick







Dr. Adrian MacKenzie, Nova Scotia Dept. of Health & Wellness





Dr. Caitlin McArthur, Dalhousie University






Dr. Kathleen Norman, Nova Scotia Health

Dr. Lori Weeks, Dalhousie University







Dr. Robert Wilson, Memorial University






Kelli O’Brien, Newfoundland & Labrador Health Services


Department of Health and Community Services Newfoundland & Labrador

Community Health & Senior Care, Health PEI MacLeod Group

New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes (NBANH)

New Brunswick Nursing Homes Services, Government of New Brunswick

Newfoundland & Labrador Eastern Health

Nova Scotia Health (NSHealth)

Nova Scotia Seniors and Long-term Care

Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness

Nursing Homes of Nova Scotia Association (NHNSA)

Prince Edward Island Long-term Care Private Operators Association Shannex

Paula Richardson, Atlantic Region Manager, Mount Saint Vincent University







Emily Hubley, NS/PEI Manager & Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator, Mount Saint Vincent University



Jane Logan, NB Coordinator, University of New Brunswick







Annika Wiebe, NS Research Assistant/NB Coordinator/, Mount Saint Vincent University





Reanna Tucker, NS Coordinator, Mount Saint Vincent University






Simranpreet Kaur, Research Assistant, Mount Saint Vincent University

Kazeem Adefemi, Posdoctoral Fellow, Memorial University of Newfoundland






Liam Bennett, Nova Scotia Research Assistant, Mount Saint Vincent University






Caleb D’entremont, MSc candidate Memorial University of Newfoundland




Amber Duynisveld, MA candidate, Mount Saint Vincent University





Isaiah Hipel, PhD candidate Saint Mary’s University





Kayla MacLeod, MA candidate, University of New Brunswick





Emily Rutledge, MHA, Dalhousie University






Lanlan Xin, MA candidate, Mount Saint Vincent University

ARC LTC Partners: