Long-Term Care Staff Quality of Work Life in Atlantic Canada (QWL-AC) 
Data collection completed May 31, 2024
A total of 2305 staff surveys collected
In-person Research Team Meeting at MSVU June 5th & 6th, 2025
Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows (posting here)
An Underrepresented, Undervalued Workforce: Understanding and Supporting Quality of Work Life in Long-term Care
CIHR funded April 2023 – March 2027
This study, An Underrepresented, Undervalued Workforce: Understanding and Supporting Quality of Work Life in Long-term Care, seeks to understand how the conditions of work in Atlantic Canadian long-term care (LTC) may affect the conditions of care of the residents. The study is assessing how work environment impacts the quality of work life (QWL) of staff in LTC and ultimately, resident quality of care outcomes in Atlantic Canada. The work extends research happening in Western Canada through the Translating Research in Elder Care (TREC) program.
This study is being led by Dr. Janice Keefe, Mount Saint Vincent University, and co-led by Dr. Rick Audas, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Dr. Carole Estabrooks, University of Alberta, Dr. Rose McCloskey, University of New Brunswick, and Dr. Gail Tomblin-Murphy, Nova Scotia Health with co-investigators from various disciplines and universities, and knowledge users and sector collaborators from across the Atlantic region. Dr. Keefe and colleagues were awarded a $2.1 million CIHR project grant in April 2023 for this multi-site study. The study is funded from April 2023- March 2027.
The research team surveyed a mix of LTC staff including care aids, nurses, allied health professionals, and managers in 53 randomly selected care homes across Atlantic Canada using established survey tools from TREC. Staff were asked questions about their physical and mental health, and key features about their work environment. Twenty-five percent of eligible LTC homes in New Brunswick (NB) and Nova Scotia (NS) were recruited with Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) and Prince Edward Island (PE) being over sampled to obtain a minimum of 8 LTC homes per province.
Relationships between staff QWL and resident outcomes will be examined by linking staff survey results with resident assessment data (interRAI). Linking data will help us understand if or how the working environment affects the quality of care received by LTC residents.
This project is funded from April 2023 to March 2027. Data collection with LTC staff took place November 2023 – May 2024. InterRAI data will be obtained and linked to staff survey data in 2025. Dissemination activities for the project include individualized site reports for each participating LTC home, publishing in academic journals, presentations at scholarly conferences, and webinars. Activities and publications will be posted in “Project Updates” and “Results & Dissemination” sections below.
Study Timeline:
Paula Richardson, Atlantic Region Project Manager
Email: arcltc@msvu.ca Telephone: 902-457-6235
Emily Hubley, NS/PEI Manager & Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator
Email: Emily.Hubley1@msvu.ca
Jane Logan, New Brunswick Coordinator
Email: e.logan@unb.ca
Annika Wiebe, New Brunswick Coordinator
Email: annika.wiebe@msvu.ca
Funded by CIHR and partner funders: