This project has three different components to understand the needs of family/friend caregivers and their access to supports:


Component #1: Review of the literature and existing programs, supports, and policies in Nova Scotia and other jurisdictions (August 2022-October 2022)

Review of Nova Scotia programs/supports and education/training for family/friend caregivers

Review of Canadian federal/national and provincial programs/supports and education/training for family/friend caregivers

Review of family/friend caregiver related action plans and strategies in Canada and international jurisdictions

Review of the academic and grey literature of the needs and enablers/barriers to accessing support and education/training programs and interventions.

Component #2: Consultations with family/friend caregivers and stakeholders (October 2022-December 2022)

Surveys (online, by phone, or paper version) for caregivers

Focus groups and interviews (in-person and virtual) with caregivers recognizing diverse caregiving situations (e.g., personal demographics, care setting, health condition, etc.).

Interviews and online surveys for stakeholders who work directly with family/friend caregivers.

Component #3: Development of a comprehensive strategic review that will address the key issues identified and recommendations for supporting family/friend caregivers (January-July 2023)

Synthesize and distill the information from Components 1 and 2 into a report for Caregivers Nova Scotia