Research Data Management (RDM)
Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) is committed to meeting the challenges and opportunities involved in the responsible and effective management of research data. The University recognizes the central role of data in research, as data not only represents the outcome of research investigation but also provides a foundation for future research. The appropriate management of research data, and facilitating appropriate access to that data, form the basis of modern scholarship and discovery. Research data is an important asset that must be stewarded, protected, and appropriately safeguarded.
The Research Office collaborated with both the Library and IT&S to provide the MSVU Research Community with information and tools that correspond with the Tri-Agency’s new Data Management Policy which is designed to support research excellence by promoting sound RDM and data stewardship practices. For more information, please read the MSVU Statement on Research Data Management and check out the MSVU’s Research Data Management LibGuide.
As per the Tri-Agency’s Data Management Policy:
Institutional Strategies
- By March 1, 2023, all research institutions subject to the Tri-Agency requirement must post their RDM strategies and notify the agencies when they have been completed.
- MSVU’s Research Data Management Strategy was developed by a collaborative RDM Working Group comprised of members from the Research Office, Library, and Information Technology & Services.
- The draft strategy was provided to 4 MSVU standing committees of Senate for feedback. The RDM Working group finalized the MSVU RDM Strategy on February 9, 2023.
- To access this document, please click the following link: Research Data Management Strategy
- The RDM Working group will launch a Research Data Management Implementation Committee to work on the recommendations and RDM roadmap noted in the strategy.
Data Management Plans
- By Spring 2022, the agencies will identify the initial set of funding opportunities subject to the DMP requirement. The agencies will pilot the DMP requirement in targeted funding opportunities before this date.
- MSVU will be working towards creating draft DMPs for use by the University community.
Data Deposit
- After reviewing the institutional strategies and in line with the readiness of the Canadian research community, the agencies will phase in the deposit requirement.
- MSVU will share with the University community best practices, tools, sites for deposit, etc. as they are developed or received.

For researchers who have questions about research data management or data management plans
Research Office
Contact the Associate Vice President Research or Research Grants Officer for questions regarding:
General DMP and RDM requirements and guidance
Data licensing and/or sharing agreements
Intellectual Property
Liaising with researchers and communities to ensure Indigenous data sovereignty
Library and Archives
Contact the Research Data and Assessment Librarian ( for questions regarding:
General RDM guidance
DMP Training
Curation Training
Data Deposit Resources and Support
Repository access
Information Technology & Services
Contact the IT&S HelpDesk or IT&S Security Specialist for questions regarding:
Digital data storage; backup; security; and transmission
Secure platforms
Research Ethics Board
Contact the Research Ethics and Compliance Officer for questions regarding:
Sensitive Data and Research Ethics
DMPs using personal identifying information
DMP and Ethics Application guidance
Research Data Management Champions
Contact members of the RDM Implementation Committee (pending/TBD) for questions regarding:
Participate in the development of RDM tools, and promotion
Sharing of best practices and other related training
Advise and mentor researchers on RDM best practices
Collaboration with researchers
External Links:
- Digital Research Alliance of Canada (RDAC)
- Portage Network
- Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR)
- Network of Experts
- Portage Training Resources
- Safeguarding your Research
- Sensitive Data Toolkit (Portage Sensitive Data Experts Working Group)