The University Research Ethics Board (UREB) is a standing committee of Senate, established under the provisions of the Tri-Council Policy Statement. The Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) is a comprehensive document that describes the policies of the three federal granting councils (CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC) for research with human participants or their data. As part of its mandate, the UREB shall ensure that research that is carried out by MSVU researchers or research involving members of the MSVU community adheres to the TCPS as well as applicable institutional ethical procedures and guidelines.

The UREB provides a service to the MSVU research community by working with researchers to identify and resolve ethical issues in their research protocols, which results in the protection of participants, minimizing potential risks/harms and maximizing the benefits of the research.

Departmental Research Ethics Boards (DREBs)

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