Combining business and social responsibility:
Local students to hit the streets and make a difference

Dr. Peter Mombourquette, Chair of the Mount’s Business and Tourism Department said social entrepreneurs aim to create businesses that are not only profitable, but improve society. Said Mombourquette, “The conference is a way that students can try to address the social issues they perceive in the community and learn from those already making a difference.”
This year, participants will hear from Wendy Keats of the Canadian Community Economic Development (CCED) Network. She is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick, a leading CCED Network agency. The expert panel will also include: Dave Upton, Common Good Solutions; Gail Kelly, Connections Halifax – The Mindful Mango; Yvone Hesketh, The Empathy Factory, and Sabrina Poirier, East Coast Social Change. The collective experience of these community influencers will help participants understand how social entrepreneurship can come to life.
On Friday, students will head out into the community to test their social enterprise that will support a local community organization. In the past, participants have sold compliments for a quarter, washed cars and set up a Valentine’s Day photo booth.
“Bringing together local innovators and students helps foster a socially conscious generation that can push the boundaries of what a social enterprise can achieve,” said Mombourquette. “We are really looking forward to seeing what this year’s students will bring to the table.”
SE4D is a collaborative partnership between the Mount’s Business department and the Centre for Women in Business. The Centre has been involved in SE4D for the past three years, and Executive Director Tanya Priske said she always looks forward to seeing the results.
“When we increase student awareness around social entrepreneurship and its ability to help build communities, we are reshaping the perception of ‘good business’ in the best possible way. That is exciting,” said Priske.
The event is open to students from Mount Saint Vincent University, Dalhousie University and the Nova Scotia Community College.
For more information:
Gillian Batten, Public Affairs
(902) 457-6439