The fifth annual Social Enterprise for a Day Conference (SE4D) will be held this January 28 (starting late afternoon) and 29 at Mount Saint Vincent University. This year, Credit Union Atlantic (CUA) has joined the event as title sponsor. CUA Social Enterprise for a Day is a collaborative event focused on creating positive change in our communities. Over the two days, students will hear from social enterprise industry experts and plan their original business ideas.This year’s keynote speaker will be Chris Webb, visual artist and owner/operator of PAVIA Gallery – Espresso Bar and Café. Other speakers will include CUA VP of Member Services, Scott Durling, Chair of the Mount’s Business and Tourism Department Dr. Peter Mombourquette, and an expert panel.
On the second day of the event (Friday, January 29), students will be putting the expert advice into action. Hitting the streets of Halifax, teams will sell their products or services to raise money for charity. In past years, students have raised funds by selling compliments and staging a pop-up photo booth. Between noon and 3 p.m. watch for student social entrepreneurs at work throughout the city!
Other partners for the event include the Centre for Women in Business at the Mount (a long-time supporter of SE4D), the Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Development (CEED), KPMG, Beaumont & Company, and 101.3 The Bounce.
The event is open to students from Mount Saint Vincent University, Dalhousie University and the Nova Scotia Community College.
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