During Mount Saint Vincent University’s 2024 spring convocation ceremonies held May 16 and 17, the recipients of the President and Vice-Presidents’ Advanced Career Teaching Award, the Alumni Early Career Teaching Award, and the Alumni Part-Time Teaching Award were announced. The awards were presented to Dr. Christine Doe of the Department of Education, Dr. Nicholous Deal of the Department of Business and Tourism and Professor Reem Abuzaytoun of the Department of Chemistry and Physics, respectively.

The awards were established to recognize teaching excellence at every level, including senior and junior full-time faculty and part-time faculty. They reflect the University’s strong commitment to leadership in teaching and learning.

The President and Vice Presidents’ Advanced Career Teaching Award: Dr. Christine Doe, Education

Christine Doe receiving the Presidents and Vice Presidents' Advanced Career Teaching AwardA dedicated teacher, mentor, and researcher, Dr. Christine Doe’s commitment to her students and her unique ways of teaching have made a difference for many and inspired them throughout their time in the Education program. Her students describe her as being enthusiastic, a captivating lecturer and a genuine inspiration, and well-known for fostering a welcoming learning environment for those who take her classes. Her genuine interest in her students’ well-being and her kindness have left a lasting impact that surpasses the classroom and continues well past the semester.

Her commitment to fostering innovation and inclusivity in education through a blend of engagement and thought-provoking instruction has enriched the learning experience for all. Dr. Doe’s passion for teaching, commitment to her students and dedication to training and mentoring the next generation of educators and academics stands out to those who have had the opportunity to experience her exceptional methodology.

The Alumni Early Career Teaching Award: Dr. Nicholous Deal, Business & Tourism

Nick Deal receiving the Alumni Early Career Teaching AwardDr. Nicholous (Nick) Deal’s students recognize that the learning environment he creates is one that is judgement-free and accepting of conflicting views, a feat for many educators. His ability to engage with his students while encouraging a variety of perspectives, opinions and open discourse in his classroom while tying in world events and theories is building a new generation of global citizens. Dr. Deal’s efforts and dedication to the field and his students go beyond classroom walls, office hours, and university calendars. He cares deeply about the experience he creates for his students and consistently asks for feedback to improve.

His ability to inspire and ignite curiosity in others by encouraging them to think critically is well noted by his peers making him a true champion by empowering his students and acting with compassion inside and outside the classroom.

The Alumni Part-Time Teaching Award: Professor Reem Abuzaytoun, Chemistry & Physics

Reem Abuzaytoun receiving the alumni part-time teaching awardKind, patient and humble are three words that are consistently used to describe Professor Abuzaytoun by her students and peers. The material she teaches is challenging for many, but her enthusiasm for the material and her drive for each student to succeed provide students with a welcoming learning environment. She provides support to all her students, giving her time to review materials outside of the classroom or lab, circling back to concepts and ensuring that they are comfortable with the material. Her

students have noted that she goes to great lengths to ensure that they’re enjoying learning the material as she teaches it, listening to feedback and adapting to student needs as they arise.

Her knowledge of and passion for the material she teaches allow students to break down the complexities in the subjects in an environment free of anxiety where students feel safe to learn, explore and excel.

Congratulations, Dr. Doe, Dr. Deal and Professor Abuzaytoun!