Welcome – and welcome back – to Mount Saint Vincent University and the start of a new academic year!

Whether you’re new or returning to MSVU, you’re now part of a close-knit community that cares about your success.

To all new students, faculty and staff: I hope you find your flock at MSVU (yup, that’s a nod to the fact that our campus is home to an exceptionally large bird population). I frequently hear stories about lifelong friendships made at MSVU. In fact, I ran into a group in the McCain Centre just last week who first met at orientation 39 years ago. They were taking a walk down memory lane. They later sent me these fantastic photos:

A photo of seven MSVU friends at a wedding in 1990 above a photo of the same friends this past summer, with the words “MSVU friends for life – Then and now” through the middle in white text on blue background.

I hope a future MSVU president will get photos like these from you several decades from now because I hope you find new forever friends at MSVU too. You might find them in the classroom, lab or office. Or perhaps you’ll connect over shared hobbies.

Speaking of hobbies, I used to love taking pictures, but it was a pastime that fizzled for me in the past few years. Inspired by the beauty of the MSVU campus, I’ve picked up my camera again and started taking photos just for fun (keep an eye on my Instagram account for my favourites). I’m also running again, another pastime that I’d gotten away from.

My point in sharing that is to remind you that no matter how busy life gets, taking some time for activities that you enjoy is important. Taking care of yourself is important. And that includes finding balance between your studies or work, friends/family, and doing other things that make you happy.

As I write this, I’m also acutely aware that our world is facing some divisive issues right now and that this is a tough time for many. I’d be remiss if I didn’t note that while finding your flock means finding your people and a supportive community, at MSVU it also means ensuring a safe and inclusive space for all – one where a diversity of voices can be peacefully heard.

So here’s to a year of balance and community! May this new academic year be filled with lots of great work together, thoughtful exchange of ideas, forever friends, and fun times too.


Dr. Joël Dickinson
President and Vice-Chancellor
Mount Saint Vincent University
Instagram @presd_msvu
X (formerly Twitter) @PresD_MSVU